2nd Hand Wii Price


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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looking for one at the moment, and have been offered one for £175. comes with wii fit and 2 extra controllers, but not wii sports. looking on ebay seems alot cheaper.
look at how much it all costs new then offer them half i always do that. i never pay more than half the price for second hand stuff
Seems a decent price to me, the Wii fit is a fair bit of money themself. Offer them £150.
the wife says to offer 150, guys seems to need the money so will see what happens.
buying new was going to cost so much.
There is a second hand one for sale (not with wii fit, but has everything else) for £100 so £150 all in sounds like good deal :)
Well I got it, and its great. Wife has been in hysterics earlier, watching me on the Wii Fit.
OKey Dokey, What are the best games for this that will give hours of fun.
Thanks for the suggestions guys
zelda is a very good game
So Far I bought Mario Kart, and this has been so much fun. Not played on it much of late as the house has been upside down with building works.

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