2gallon Tank

30-18-15 cms

Btw, my babies are doing fine! They got oxygen and they swim around happily.
My other female is really big and she goes to the surface like to catch air... I don't know why she does that!
shes in lack of oxygen. You put the fish too early in non cycled water. I suggest u do a 20% water change. Most fish dont make it when they lack oxygen in a new tank so be ready for the worse. Nice little tank i say invest in a bigger tank with assorted livebearers. and get a betta tehre pretty cool.
okay your tank is 2.24 US gallons and 1.87 UK gallons

AKA good for two adult guppies
okay your tank is 2.24 US gallons and 1.87 UK gallons

AKA good for two adult guppies
I'd beg to differ...I hardly think it's good practice keeping fish as active as guppies in a tank that small - especially not pregnant females.

Volume of water has little to do with it, space is the main issue.
Although a larger volume of water would make it easier to keep the water conditions good.

I'm curious as to why you'd say 1.87 gallons is ok for two adult guppies? :huh:
okay your tank is 2.24 US gallons and 1.87 UK gallons

AKA good for two adult guppies
I'd beg to differ...I hardly think it's good practice keeping fish as active as guppies in a tank that small - especially not pregnant females.

Volume of water has little to do with it, space is the main issue.
Although a larger volume of water would make it easier to keep the water conditions good.

I'm curious as to why you'd say 1.87 gallons is ok for two adult guppies? :huh:

agreed, and well said
The dimensions given in cm says its a 8.1 liter tank. That is small as others have been saying. You really should consider more room for your fish as they are a bit crowded.
The temperature issue is a real issue, but if your environment is keeping the temperature of the water about 27C it will not be a problem. Most of us here in this forum live in colder places where the water would be more likely around 21C without a heater. That would be much too cold for most tropical fish. Since you live in the tropics, chances are good your temperature is close enough to the ideal although I could never have a tank without a heater where I live.
What do i do about the lack of oxygen? Is it because she's about to give birth??
I'm getting a 5 gal tank soon.

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