2gallon Tank


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
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Hi! I got a 2 gallon tank a couple of weeks ago, on Feb. 15 and I got 2 neon tetras and 2 guppies, both females. 1 of the neons died 2 or 3 days later, I think he was sick cause his colors were pale when I got 'em (I didnt know much about fish, so I couldnt tell at the moment, now I see pictures and it's easily seen). So now I got the 2 female guppies, which are about to give birth and 1 neon. Is it ok if I put a male with them? I'm not sure how many fish can I have in my tank... it's got a lot of space for them to swim, but I dont know. The neon is doing great, he swims around with the guppies and does his own thing...
Any kind of comments would be great!


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even with a cycled tank you have a few too many fish in there, and the neons like to be in groups of 6 or more, Id take back the neon, keep the two female guppys, or take them back and get one betta, and read up on fishless cycling and fish in cycling on the new to the hobby thread.
One of my guppies just had 5 babies!!

And when i got the tank, they gave me extra cycled water...
One of my guppies just had 5 babies!!

And when i got the tank, they gave me extra cycled water...

Its not the water that matters, its the filter cos thats what matures to keep your water good.
Don't get anymore fish, as the neon will nip a male guppy's long flowey fins. I suggest you have a plan for all the babies, as you at the moment do not have enough space in the tank if you find out your females are not cannibalistic, and they each drop 20.
This is the best advice:

Take the neon back

Sell the fry to the store, cus you dont have a nursery tank and they will be eaten in that tiny tank (plus there is not enough room in that tank for fry

Take that castle out, more swimming space is available then

I do however think you have a nice little tank there
Thanx 4 all your comments... my guppy gave birth to 9 babies, up to now... it's been about 1 hour that she hasn't pop out any more.
An yes... she was trying to catch them, since they went to the corner where I "trasplanted" my orange plant... luckily she didn't catch any. The other female and neon saw them and didn't even care.
But since I got stressed just watching her hunt the babies, I put them all in a fish bowl. Do they NEED a filter and oxygen? Can i put an aquatic plant in there for them... cause I hear that gives them food and oxygen...
do you have a heater in your fish bowl? Or they will just die...
They need a heater-they HAVE to have some sort of oxygen replenishment or eventually theyll suffocate and some filtration will be required as toxins will build up in the water. I suggest taking your babies back....
seperate the aggressive adult rather than the fry, the fry absolutely need heat, light and filtration for health, whereas the adult as a hardy guppy will be okay for a short period of time in a fish bowl, buy a nursery, or, buy a 5 gall tank, and keep the 2 gall as a nursery

also, crank the heat up to 79 if its not, fry prefer this.

take that damn neon back lol, its not far on the neon tbh
No, I dont have a heater in either fish tank... I live in Central America, and the weathers pretty warm here.
I have a friend who's had her guppies all their lives in a fish bowl and all she's ever put is a plant. The babies have grown there and they keep having more and more, and she keeps giving them away...
well she is silly then.

Whats the temp in your tank, it needs to be 74-79 tbh, for the happiest fish
Do they NEED a filter and oxygen? Can i put an aquatic plant in there for them... cause I hear that gives them food and oxygen...
From that, and other posts, it seems you have skipped the most important part of these forums :).

Read up here on cycling and the 10 rules (which arent strict but it is strongly suggested you stick to them for a while): [URL="http://www.fishforums.net/content/New-to-the-hobby/88643/Beginner-Resouce-Center-Please-Read-Here/"]http://www.fishforums.net/content/New-to-t...ease-Read-Here/[/URL]

Good luck with your fish, remember the most important part of owning any pet is understanding it's needs, and this means reading up on them. It's not responsible to rely on experiance through mistakes, though that unfortunatly happens with everyone a some point anyway :rolleyes:.
What are the dimensions of the tank, it looks bigger than a 2 gal

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