2Ft Iwagumi


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Hi all,
I've been asked by a few people to do a journal on this tank so...here goes!!

I have kept planted tanks for the past 4yrs, just learning what I can & can't grow & using different fertilising methods. I had the ususal mix of success & failure. In August this year I decided i'd learnt enough & felt confident enough to have a go at doing a 'proper' aquascape.

The equipment used:
60 x 30 x 30cm tank
Fluval 405 filter with glass lily pipes. 2 litres of Sera Siporax & Sera course fibre, no chemical media used at all
Hydor 300 external filter
Arcadia luminaire 4 x 24W tubes. 2 Plant Pro & 2 Philips 865 Daylight
2kg CO2 bottle with ceramic diffuser

Here's the tank after hardscaping & filling on the 15th August:


ADA Amazonia & Welsh blue stone are used. At this point the tank was run with the temperature set at 25C, no plants & with ammonia being added each day until ammonia spike was over. I was also doing 50% water changes every other day due to the tannins being leaked by the Aquasoil, the water was VERY brown!!

On the 1st September the ammonia & nitrites were dropping & it was time to plant up. 6 pots of Tropica HC, 4 Pogostemon heferi & 2 Blyxa japonica were used. Here's the tank after planting:


The CO2 was set running at this point & EasyCarbo added at half recommended dose. No fertilisers used at all. 2 tubes were used for 5hrs a day. Water changes every day were still being carried out at this stage. 10 days later the plants were growing well:


By now I had the lighting on 6hrs a day, still 2 tubes. EasyCarbo was at recommended dose & EI ferts were being dosed at half dosage. I'd also added 2 pots of Ludwigia glandulosa to the right hand side as an accent colour. No algae issues at this point & the fish & shrimps had been added. Several days later the snails were added too. At this point disaster struck!! I suffer from Psoriatic arthritis & have bouts of severe pain in my ankles & knees. I suffered just such a bout right now & the water changes were impossible to do. As a result algae began to grab a hold. When I finally recovered the helferi was covered in black brush algae & the rocks were covered in thread algae. The Blyxa was in poor condition & the Ludwigia wasn't too good either. I removed most of the Blyxa & I phyically removed what I could of the algae & did several large water changes over the next week. I upped the EasyCarbo dosage & reduced the lighting period again. On the 29th September the tank looked like this:


Most of the algae had gone & the lighting was increased slowly to 7hrs a day, still only 2 tubes. EI ferts were now dosed at the proper level & EasyCarbo at double the recommended dose. Things really started to take off again. For the next month things went well & the HC carpeted really well. The Blyxa never really recovered & was removed. I also decided the Ludwigia didn't go with the look I was going for & took it out. My camera conked out too hence no pics for October:sad: The tank now looks like this:


I'm now dosing EI at double the recommended dose, CO2 @ 3 bubbles per second & EasyCarbo at 3 times the recommended dose every day. Lighting is still via 2 tubes for 7hrs a day. 50% Water changes are done each week & i've had no more algae issues (touch wood):) I'll happily answer any questions, i'm sure i've missed details!! Hope it inspires people to have a go.
brilliant scape, you sure have the eye for it.
Great scape! So, basically you said that dosing the liquid carbon at double the recommended dosis plus the water changes made you get rid of your algae?

Thanks. I'm not sure if it's that simple although I changed no other part of my regime at this point. 2 days after upping the liquid carbon the BBA had started turning a dark pink & dropping off in small clumps. The shrimps loved these clumps & started picking it off the helferi leaves too. Interesting because when the algae was black & healthy the shrimp wouldn't touch it!! At the same time the thread algae also turned black & just dropped off the rocks. I can only think that the liquid carbon had a dramatic negative effect on the algae health. My CO2 is always on the yellow side of green in the drop checker too. Maybe this combined with the high fert dosing has just made the plants grow so fast that they out competed the algae? I don't know but whatever the cause i've never had algae problems again, even the glass stays almost clear of it.
Very stunning tank, I cant wait to see it develop. Just a quick question if I may....Did you have difficulty attaching the Hydor external heater too the fluval hose. I have a fluval external pump and would like too get an external heater but I have heard that it is very difficult due to the ribbed fluval hose. Please could you tell me your experience with this matter and how you solved it.


Very stunning tank, I cant wait to see it develop. Just a quick question if I may....Did you have difficulty attaching the Hydor external heater too the fluval hose. I have a fluval external pump and would like too get an external heater but I have heard that it is very difficult due to the ribbed fluval hose. Please could you tell me your experience with this matter and how you solved it.



Hi Mark. The ribbed hose is no good for the Hydor heater. You'd need to buy some plain 16mm plastic tubing for the 305 or 405, 13mm for the 105 or 205. Aqua Essentials sell it. The only problem I found when using the plastic tubing is that it crushes when you put it into the rim connectors. It slows the flow down quite a bit. In the end I just bought glass lily pipes off ebay, much better arrangment if you can spend the extra cash. They cost about £30 delivered from Hong Kong but are very well made & also make the tank look neater too IMHO

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