I dont' recommend that you put in corals right away (andwg, are you here? lol). The most common error made in nano reefing is the 'plunk maneuver'. As soon at the tank cycles, they plunk in corals.
I don't recommend that. Although most people are chomping at the bit to have a beautiful nano reef in their house, they risk losing money, corals and worst...nuking their tanks. As a friendly recommendation, I suggest that new nano reefers spend a few weeks after cycling to get into good habits of weekly water changes. This allows you to get a handle on water keeping since..in the nano biz....we must be EXCELLENT water keepers.
I also recommend that if you are going to add fish, DO THAT FIRST. Fish add poop. Fish need foodt. Poop + food = nitrates. Get experience with managing a bioload and understand how to get your nitrates down if they climb.
Then.....then...give yourself MORE time. Your uglies will now show up. Cyanobacteria, hair algae, aiptasia, etc.
Take your time. You'll be thankful that you did not just 'plunk' in a colony of animals just to watch them die. Avoid the post, "help...I think my corals are dying".
Just some hints.