I love this thread. My heart started racing reading your mounting excitement! Such a nice community here. I am exhausted but still read most of it. To be honest I skipped most of the middle and picked up the first couple and last couple of pages. Kind of skipped over the parts about the stand...
For what it's worth...
White Mountain cloud minnows are awesome! I have no idea about their compatibility with Danios.
My biggest fear is fishing dead/injured fish out of a tank. I want everyone to get along.
Have you considered getting MANY Danios? Might look really impressive. No other schooling fish? OR maybe Zebras and long finned Danios together, yes, ? No? Anyone know? And then of course your creatures you already have that don't need a school, snails and such.
How about 3 or 4 of the bottom scurrying creatures that don't get big? Sorry, don't know names, water temps, etc...but some of them stay small.
I had bad luck (too excited, under researched, no QT, etc...) with Green Neon Tetras. For some reason I had the impression they were easy fish...for beginners. Maybe because they are everywhere? Not saying this would happen to you, though.
I love my pure Ivory Mystery Snail, but honestly I think he/she may have taken opportunity to get my RCS after molting.
Ask others on here, depending on what they say. She / he is stunning looking and more active than I thought.
I recently got a Dwarf Lily and somehow it is growing. Don't know if it can go in sand, maybe get a little container with gravel in it,and don't bury the bulb. Tuck it behind something...i actually have an Annubius stull in it's pot in one of my tanks, it's fine so far.
Amano Shrimp sooo cute and personable.
Best advice is your own...concentrate on the Danios first.
Anyone correct me if any of this is bad advice. Trying to be helpful, this is exciting.
I have no problem with being corrected, either, that's a good way to learn!
Finally, so many pretty and varied tanks in all the photos, thanks everyone!