New Member
Hi all, totally new to the forum and needing to ask some questions if I may. Sorry if I am beating that poor old horse all over again! I have read thru links provided in other posts, but still have MANY questions! I have a 29 Gallon tank that I am wanting to convert into a saltwater tank-nothing extravagant though. Our daughter is wanting the clownfish-Nemo to her of course. I am not looking to add expensive corals, at least not right off the bat. I am wanting to be able to use all the equipment that is currently in the tank with as little, or no, modifications as possible. The temp stays very regular with the heater that is in it now. I was told at one LFS that a 30 is the minimum they would use (and have one running this size themselves), but at another LFS they only use a 10 gallon which contains coral with low lighting. I have read a lot about the LR, but all the LFS's around here only sell it in bags, which I was told had NO life in it-will this work? I have one of the LFS's that will give me one of their used filters to use in my tank to help get it cycled, and I might even be able to talk them out of a bit of their LR to go in my tank. I was also told that I do NOT want star fish in my tank as they will eat most anything-is this true? The Nemo's are the main ones I want in this tank, and maybe a Blue Tang-Dori of course. Any help and advice you can give is GREATLY appreciated! THANKS!!!