29 Gal Tank


New Member
Jan 24, 2009
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Hey guys i'm new here! i googled around for fish forums and this one looked like the best one with the most people on, so im glad to be on board.

I currently have 2 bettas (one red and one blue) and now im ready to get a community tank.
Im planning to buy a 29 gal tank i saw at PetSupermarket. It comes with everything, tank, stand, filter, heater, thermometer, light, hood, etc etc etc.
When i bring it home, how do i start the whole process. I have heard about cycling but maybe it varies to tank size, i dont know, so thats why im asking you guys :)

Also, about the fishes in this tank, what can I put in? Id love to mix two goldfish with a few other tropical fish like mollies, platies, and guppies and stuff but ive heard goldfish shouldnt be mixed with other fishes? :(
If not goldfish, then what are the best fishes to put in this 29 gal tank to get a colorful active community tank?

Thanks alot and sorry for all the questions lol

P.S. Is there anyway one of my bettas could be put in this tank with the other tropical fish?
Goldfish cannot be kept in a 29 gallon. This isn't even big enough for one goldfish once it is fully grown. And no, you cannot mix them with tropicals as they are a coldwater species.

Always check the adult size of any species of fish before you get it. It will save you so much hassle.

You should read the stickied fishless cycling thread to learn how to cycle the filter properly. You can also use the aquarium calculator on here to determine how much Ammonia you need to use.

If you want Mollies and Guppies purely as pets, then DO NOT get a mixed sex group. Get a group of either one sex or the other, or they will simply keep breeding and breeding and you will have not only a population problem, but also a water quality problem. Even baby fish produce waste!!!

Tetras and Danios are a good choice, but need to be in groups of at least 8.

Corydoras and Khulie loaches are nice little bottomfeeders, and need to be in groups of at least 4-6

Some type of Gourami would work for a nice centrepiece fish , A 3 spot, Lace or pearl Gourami would look good.

These are just examples of easy to find species that would do well in a 29 gal, there is a great deal of choice.

Do NOT put either of your bettas in with any of those fish. They are best kept alone. Most upper level swimmers like tetras will nip the bettas fins for example. Just keep your bettas separate and safe in their own tanks. Better safe than sorry.
Welcome to the forum NS2003. As HoneyThorn said, a goldfish is a very large fish for a 29 gallon tank. Although there are several other nice cold water type fish, the goldfish itself will get to be huge in a suitable tank. You do not have such a tank. When keeping goldfish in large numbers the usual formula is 20 gallons for the first and 10 more gallons for each one you add. The problem with the formula is that it doesn't talk to a minimum size for that first one very well. In a larger tank like a 55 gallon, goldfish could be kept with one of many different goodeids for example.
There are lots of nice fish that would enjoy the same water conditions as a betta so that is not a real problem. Some people are nervous putting a betta with other fish but I love my betta in the 10 gallon endler tank and the one in the 120 gallon community tank. Some bettas can be a bit too aggressive but if you watch them for the first day or two you can decide whether to keep them with other fish or not.
The method for cycling a new tank is addressed in a thread that you can link to from my signature area . The link is called fishless cycling.
Alright I'll make sure to get one of those kits.

So my male betta can hang with most tropical fish right?

Im thinking of

Couples (male and female)
1 couple of guppies
1 couple of mollies
1 couple of platies
1 couple of angel fish
and i need a reccomendation for one more couple
Or can i get a female to go along with my male betta inside this community tank?
Alright I'll make sure to get one of those kits.

So my male betta can hang with most tropical fish right? no

Im thinking of

Couples (male and female)
1 couple of guppies
1 couple of mollies
1 couple of platies
1 couple of angel fish
and i need a reccomendation for one more couple
Or can i get a female to go along with my male betta inside this community tank?

non of these should be kept with a betta
Why not Truck? I have all but the guppies with one of mine and they are fine together. I have another in an endler tank and it is also trouble free. A betta can be a bit nippy but is no worse than the typical neons, cardinals or similar fish for being nippy.
A female betta in a 29 with a male is asking for trouble. There is no doubt that a big enough tank could hold a male and a female but the biggest that I have is only 120 gallons and is not big enough to keep them together.
I find that a community tank looks better if you concentrate on only a few fish rather than setting up Noah's ark. I would add either more platies or more mollies to what you have already decided to keep. In fact adding a female to each group would be a step in the right direction. A ratio of at least 2 females and as many as 5 females for each male is a good idea with most livebearers.
a betta could easily mistake another livebearer for another betta, and then it may have the cheek to attack and even kill it, you only have to go to one of the worst LFS around here to see this happen.

but as said a simple tank can luck much larger and affective with only a few species
Why not Truck? I have all but the guppies with one of mine and they are fine together. I have another in an endler tank and it is also trouble free. A betta can be a bit nippy but is no worse than the typical neons, cardinals or similar fish for being nippy.
A female betta in a 29 with a male is asking for trouble. There is no doubt that a big enough tank could hold a male and a female but the biggest that I have is only 120 gallons and is not big enough to keep them together.
I find that a community tank looks better if you concentrate on only a few fish rather than setting up Noah's ark. I would add either more platies or more mollies to what you have already decided to keep. In fact adding a female to each group would be a step in the right direction. A ratio of at least 2 females and as many as 5 females for each male is a good idea with most livebearers.

LOL the Noas Ark comment made me laugh hahah good one

I agree, it sounds better to concentrate on a few fish.
Which do you recommend for a colorful display in this 29 gal tank? and how many of each please :)
hiya mate if you want the betta in a community keep it as a single male. It isn't recommended to keep guppies with betta becuase of the long flowing fins. They see it as competition i am told. Although my friend has kept them together succesfully so its all luck really. Another good tank mate i have seen for bettas are White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Get at least 6 and they will be happy.

Platies should be fine but not sure about mollies. A good ratio is 1 male to 3 females, You will get babies though! so up to you really mate.

Just keep a really close eye on whatever you choose to do and you will soon know what works and what doesn't. Just make sure you have a spare tank incase something doesn't work then you can move things around.

As it is YOUR tank and YOUR choice do what you like but i will say whatever you choose research the species thouroughly and ask questions. You will probably find most things on here if you use the search tool.

All the best with your tank and fish.

I would think a focus on platies would be a good start for a betta community in a tank that size. Maybe 6 of them to give a nice middle of the tank group. For the bottom of the tank, a half dozen nice corydoras would go well. They come in lots of color patterns and most are active lower tank fish if you have at least 5 of them. A half dozen rasboras would round out the stocking well but these are just choices I might make. Really you should go to your local fish store and look around for small fish that appeal to you.

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