29 Gal Stocking


New Member
Dec 30, 2006
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hey gus,i have a 29 gal.that homes a pearl gourmais,2 keyholes,and a butterfly loach,all is doing great,am i stocked to my limit or can i add more to get a bit of colour to the tank,was thinking of a firemouth or pair of german rams,swordtail,something on them lines..
I just got me a Neon blue gourami thats well colourful
thanks for your reply,ive heard that you should only have one gourmais per tank as they will fight and i have a pearl now.
Try an angle fish or 2 they look great in a 29gallon I've got 3 in mine but be careful if any of your fish are quick to get to the food (like first in line and really pushy) then expect the angles to stress out and die :( not a fun thing to happen that's why I never ever recommend angles being mixed with tiger barbs! anyways good luck oh and as far as the gourmai goes having one per tank is not recommended as they do like to school (somewhat) I'd say if yours is a male than try to get 2 females and everything should go smoothly :D good luck!
hey gus,i have a 29 gal.that homes a pearl gourmais,2 keyholes,and a butterfly loach,all is doing great,am i stocked to my limit or can i add more to get a bit of colour to the tank,was thinking of a firemouth or pair of german rams,swordtail,something on them lines..

Nice fish in your tank already...are your keyholes a mated pair? If they are, i'd be careful about adding the rams...all cichlids need territory, especially if mating...even less aggressive ones like Keyholes and Rams.
How about some shoaling fish? A school of Pentazona barbs or Brilliant rasboras would do well in that tank. I have a school of 6 in my 30g tank...nicest fish I have!

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