29 Gal. Stocking...ideas ?


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I am setting up an new 29 Gal. tank.

I removed 8 danios from my 75 gal. temporarily to a 10 gal. so I can add a bigger fish to the 75.

So....That's it so far. 8 danios will be in the 29 Gal. tank. I have learned the hard way to completely plan out what fish to add. I have seen several people on here talk about Cories. Think I will try those. I will have a sand bottom and am adding a large fake tree trunk with caves.

Any ideas what else to add ? What are your favorite fish :)
Khuli Loaches, they'll love the sandy bottom =), haha they kinda look like eels.
I'm also a fan of gourami's, particular honey gouramis because you can get a nice group of 5 or something like that.
Danio's generally prefer the cooler tropical temps and so do most types of cories and both fish can live very happily together, so they actually make very good tankmates. If you keep the tank at the cooler tropical temps, bloodfin tetra's would be ideal. If you want to keep the tank at warmer tropical temps then fish like khuli loaches, peaceful tetras like neon, black widow and penguin tetras etc, peaceful small barbs like cherry barbs, common livebearers like swordtails, platys and guppys etc would all make fine tankmates (of course though don't have all of these fish in the tank). Basically just keep to relatively small growing community fish that do fine in a medium to strongish strength filtered tank :thumbs: .
Can't go wrong with Tiger Barbs. Great personality, cheap and good they look good.
Can't go wrong with Tiger Barbs. Great personality, cheap and good they look good.

If you go with Tiger barbs, keep a good number...8 or so. IMO, these barbs will grow too big for this tank. You could try Pentazona barbs. They are similar to Tigers, but no quite as nippy or as large.
I'd look at Brilliant rasboras...a beautiful fish! They are very friendly, active and have the most amazing schooling action of all the fish I've kept.
You could also try a Bolivian or German ram if you are going to keep your water at the warmer end of things. Go with the Bolivian if your water isn't on the soft/acidic end of the scale. They are quite a bit heartier and have an amazing personality!
If your keeping fish with danios, i would go for something quick that can deal with the danios if they start to nip etc, for example tetras or barbs as mentioned.
Cories would do well as bottom feeders, but are sensitive to water conditions. Khulis are also fantastic additions as bottom feeders, however you may not see them often as they tend to be shy unless kept in large groups and even so tend to be more active at night.

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