28 Gallon Hex


Fish Herder
Nov 20, 2003
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
This is my first community tank in a while. It houses 6 common guppies and 4 Silver Mollies, and about a dozen guppy fry. I'm hoping that they'll do some breeding and get me some fry.



Here's a shot of one of the mollies.

BTW, it's filtered by a simple sponge filter, the lighting is simple single strip flourescent from and old 10 gallon of mine.

snowy angel, my guppies weren't in there when I snapped the photo, only the mollies. They're nothing like yours (nice pics by the way :) )

Yeah, this was the smallest budget I've ever done a tank on. I bought the tank and stand for 20 bucks, bought gravel and a sponge filter. The rest of it was stuff I've had collect over time. Not bad considering ;)
How'd you get that driftwood to sink? I bought some last week and it's been anchored down with rocks in my jacuzzi for days. It still won't sink. I am thinking about returning them.

NICE TANK by the way. I have 2 hex tanks!

Beautiful lyretail Molly!!!!!!
Thanks, It wasn't what I had in mind but when I saw them they were too nice to pass up.

How'd you get that driftwood to sink?

The wood is screwed onto a large piece of slate with a zinc coated bold (won't rust). That and that piece of wood is about 12 years old, It's been in storage for about 5. Since I've ventured into african cichlids I've been using rocks instead. I'm sure glad I kept all the old stuff -here's a tip - never sell anything fish related! ever. trust me on that one!

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