28 gallon Bowfront

After more research, as long as these fish have excellent water quality with frequent changes, they will be fine. I don't even need to alter my original stocklist.
Got two more things today, first:

Hammer Coral. A species that is aggressive, and sweeps its stingers up to six inches, so no other corals near these guys.


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And this dwarf angel, a Coral Beauty. This is actually the centerpiece fish for this tank, and I got it at a smokin' good price, and yes...the supplier ships :>
The photo does not do this fish justice, and I will try to get better.


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Its not hard per se, just has a lot more rigourous routine. Which s fine with me, I love to get my hands wet :>
wow! this looks like a nice new cheap way to start a reef tank! how much has it costed you so far? Oh yeah, what do you have in the aqua clear? is it crushed coral? and also, how often do you have to do waterchanges? and what is taht littlle thing on the spout of the Fluval, i have one too, but im not sure what i would use it for
Tank and stand was 200, filtration and heat was 300, live rock was 160, the corals were 100, and the inhabitants were another 100. Salt so far has been 50, and I do my water changes twice a week.

So it has been about 900 for a 28 gallon :)

I still need my lights, which will be about 200.

The little valve on the fluval's spout is for flow control, and those are coral fragments.
And this little guy to the right of the mushroom found in the AC is aptasia, a pest anemone. I will be discarding it.


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Still not the best picture, but it is still pretty shy about the camera... which is funny, because it would look right at us while I was acclimatizing it. Seemed to really enjoy people's voices. Plus it ate in the bag.


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Thank you, thank you :) One little side note about these fish so far, I find it amazing how they wrasses and the coral beauty interact. The coral beauty wil lay on its side and the wrasses will go over every scale on it, the coral beauty raising its fins, opening its gill plates, its a full 20 point inspection :) ...quite something to watch.

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