260 Or 300 Stocking Ideas


Jan 21, 2008
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i am gettin either a 260litre/68US gallons or 300litre/79US gallons tank
wat could i put in there
i am definatly having 2 clown loaches and mayb adding 1 or 2 more
i love bolivian or german rams 2 or 4?
i dont want really big chichlids such as oscars cos they supposedly eat and bully other fish
wat else could i hav in there?????????
:good: :shout: :hyper: :shifty: :rolleyes: :angry: :blush: :sick: :crazy: :drool: :unsure:
i am gettin either a 260litre/68US gallons or 300litre/79US gallons tank
wat could i put in there
i am definatly having 2 clown loaches and mayb adding 1 or 2 more
i love bolivian or german rams 2 or 4?
i dont want really big chichlids such as oscars cos they supposedly eat and bully other fish
wat else could i hav in there?????????
:good: :shout: :hyper: :shifty: :rolleyes: :angry: :blush: :sick: :crazy: :drool: :unsure:

2 oscars, or 1 oscar and 2 clown loaches. Oscars are messy messy fish. I bought one at 2 inches and he was 14 inches when he died.
i am gettin either a 260litre/68US gallons or 300litre/79US gallons tank
wat could i put in there
i am definatly having 2 clown loaches and mayb adding 1 or 2 more
i love bolivian or german rams 2 or 4?
i dont want really big chichlids such as oscars cos they supposedly eat and bully other fish
wat else could i hav in there?????????
:good: :shout: :hyper: :shifty: :rolleyes: :angry: :blush: :sick: :crazy: :drool: :unsure:

2 oscars, or 1 oscar and 2 clown loaches. Oscars are messy messy fish. I bought one at 2 inches and he was 14 inches when he died.

I wouldnt put 2 oscars in a 300 litre :angry: , Id maybe get maybe 2/3 more clown loaches as they love eachothers company. But remember these grow to like 12"+ but take a long time to get there
yea i no clowns get big but wen they get 2 big i will hav probably upgraded
i said i DONT like oscars
yh so
4/5 clown loaches
4 bolivian rams
If you want rams, get 5 or 6 to start with, its the best way to get a pair formed, then you can re-home the others if they become too aggressive when spawning.

As already mentioned, rainbow, boesmani etc are lovely shoaling fish, you could get a good size shoal in there and they are very peaceful and colourful.
how many rainbows could i put in then wiv
4 clowns
4/6 bolivian rams
:sick: :crazy: :drool: :unsure: :shifty: :rolleyes: :angry: :hyper: :shout: :blink: :blush: :good:
You have to go for a gold Severum...great fish! I have one in my community tank with small fish and he's fine...If you buy it as a juvenile fish and raise it with the smaller fish it should be fine! :cool:
ok so say i was to hav
4 clowns
4 rams
6 rainbows
1 gold severum
and about 10 corys
how big would the corys get?
are u sure they wont get eaten?
also how big are severum?

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