25L Stocking...

my friend has a 15 litre and has had them 7 years all 5
Scarlet badis are a good idea. But they are bottom dwellers, shy and actually you might be limited to the number you could have due to the footprint of the tank. Do you know what the measurements of the tank are?

Edit: Oh and cozzie, if you KNOW of fish to stock a 25l with then post here. If you want to LEARN what is suitable for a 25l (as it sounds like you do because your ideas are way off), then either stick around and read others replies or start your own thread. Posting will only cause confusion for the OP which is unfair.
Just had a thought. Depending on the dimensions there may be some apistogramma that would be ok in your tank, the Nijssen's Apisto is the first that springs to mind.

Excuse the drawing, they are estimates btw, accurate estimates :)

Depth is 13"...

Nijssen's Apisto look good, but dont they need a bigger tank?
You say that...and yet were perfectly willing to put a male betta in there....(just a thought, not a critisism)
I'd say that it could possibly hold 4cm fish happily so long as they aren't to active but it's definitely on the upper side of what I'd be happy putting in there.
I'm agreeing with the Scarlet Badis idea. Just don't put them with small little Shrimp. (Can you say lunch?)
I wouldn't go Apistos in a tank that small, they can be a bit fragile when it comes to water quality and would really be better off in 65L plus!

Why don't you go for a planted shrimp tank instead of fish? As long as the tank has a good gentle filter that's been fully cycled then you should be good for a group of dwarf shrimp, Cherrys are nicely coloured (well the males are) and breed well too. Crystal Reds are a bit more fragile. A couple of Amanos might be ok. There's more and more dwarf shrimp appearing on the market, I got some orange ones last weekend, I think they're a colour variant on the Cherrys.

The tank is a bit tight for any kind of shoaling fish, maybe some Micro Rasboras or something, but nothing bigger than that. Dwarf Gouramis need to either be in male/female pairs or maybe one male with several females, and are really better off in 65L plus. Even smaller species of Gourami like Honeys are better off in 50L plus. A 25L is tricky to stock with fish!
jw NEED TO ASKED MORE EXPERIANCED PEEPS LOL but would any tetra beable to go in there tank
Catxx - You can't make a general sweeping statment about apistos like that. There are many many different species. Also crystal red shrimp aren't fragile...no more than any other shrimp anyways. And dwarf gouramis shouldn't be kept in pairs. Males often bully other dwarfs regardless of gender. 60l is suitable for a single male and 80l or more is ok if you want to start adding females.
From what I have been advised in the Betta forum on TFF, 6.6gals is perfectly adequate for a Betta, with people recommending 3-4gals being fine!

It would probably be better sticking with the Betta from the mixed opinions here... I'll be looking to get a much larger tank when I leave Uni in 3 months time anyhow (hopefully a cichlids tank :D )

I will be thinking of the Scarlet Badis idea tho. How many do you think would be a good amount for my tank?

Cheers for the advice everyone!
I'm not saying it isn't adequate for a betta Fish_Newb! I didn't mean that at all. I'm just saying that you were totally willing to put a betta in there, who when fully grown and including tail could easily reach 7cm
Yet questioned when I suggested a 4cm fish...that's all I was saying. It does depend on how active the fish is naturally and whether they need to be in shoals etc. It's just that you seemed to be commenting based on the size of the fish I was suggesting.
in uni cann u have a tank

I am a third year so do not live in halls!

I'm not saying it isn't adequate for a betta Fish_Newb! I didn't mean that at all. I'm just saying that you were totally willing to put a betta in there, who when fully grown and including tail could easily reach 7cm
Yet questioned when I suggested a 4cm fish...that's all I was saying. It does depend on how active the fish is naturally and whether they need to be in shoals etc. It's just that you seemed to be commenting based on the size of the fish I was suggesting.

Sorry, I think I have misunderstood. how many Nijssen's Apisto were you suggesting?

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