25 Gal Shrimp Tank

Ohh Kesgraves are you LFS, thats interesting. I am wanting some Tigers off them soon. What do they look like in the tanks? Decent colouration and healthy?
My personal opinion is that kesgrave keep a fantastic stock. The place itself is simply a converted outbuilding (its the back of a house, theres no obvious sign on the door, we had to ask where the entrance was!) , but it's well looked after, staff are always cleaning and water changing, and not a dead or sickly fish in sight. They give good advice aswell, when i bought shrimp she asked me all the appropriate questions about my tank, water conditions, tank mates etc, to ensure i was making the right purchase.

Here is a tank update, i'm all cycled and planted, the current livestock are in, however i'm going to leave it a month to settle before i add additional stock, i'm also running two filters (old and new) as my new filter isn't established enough.
the shrimp are so excited, theyve become more bold and are swimming about alot more, the filter feeders are also taking advantage of the new uber current.
and of course "chowder" the clam is enjoyihg his own personal sandy beach!

(sorry for the photo quality, the lighting isn't great for photos!)

one of my stunning new cherries. got her at a LFS for just 1.95, carrying a clutch of eggs so fingers crossed!


water isnt brown, its just the odd light XD
Looks good, I like the layout and that Cherry was a cracking find! Great colouration!
That is one beautiful cherry shrimp! I have some but they aren't half as stunning as that. Good find!
thanks! heres a better pic (photographing fish isn't an easy task!)


and the tank today, with my new peacock moss and no fishing sign!


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