25-30 Litre Tank Options.........


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2007
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Getting a 25-30 Litre tank for the study some time next week, considering my stocking options.........

Was originally going to make it a shrimp only tank, but i have decided that i REALLY want something swimming around so that i have something to watch. So i was thinking 6 Galaxy Rasboras and 10 cherry shrimp?

How does that sound to people?

What would you do if you have a 25-30 litre tank and wanted something to watch?
i would have a shimp tank, thats what im doing with my 38l atm. its cycling.
Those Galaxies sure are sweet, they'd look great. I see people having Green Neon Tetra in Shrimp tanks, they look nice as well, but those Galaxies may look better.

I personally quite like Black Neon Tetra, ever seen any? They may look a bit dull in photos but they reflect some wonderful colours at times. But it's all up to you anyway, just be sure of your stocking levels.

And photos! :D
id just stick to the shrimp, theres not much room for shoaling fish in a 25/30L is there? you might get away with a female/male betta but then she/he may eat your shrimp!
Black neon tetra may be a good idea! Think i have glanced over them before at my LFS, might pop down this afternoon and take a closer look

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