CAUTION This warning is a retroedit placed on 06/20/05. Numerous Nano Cubes appear to be suffering cracks, some resulting in catastrophic failure with loss of livestock and destruction of personal property. Proceed with this thread at your own risk with regards to the Nano Cube. However, the majority of the post can be applied to setting up a regular nano reef. I post this sadly after putting so much work into it to help others. SH
Hi... I decided to post this after a note from Parker313. It was her tank that inspired me to try out a nano-reef and also her thread that eventually emptied my bank account (just teasing you Parker). I decided to post this here instead of over at the nano reef site since this is where my interest took hold and, I think, most FW converters start their initial investigation into SW here. I geared it towards people like myself..curious to start a nano or SW tank; ;some experience with FW;some technical abilities but certainly a newbie in this department.
Changing over from FW to SW was a daunting task for me and getting basic questions answered by posts was difficult. Seemed that it was harder 'over there than over here'. Despite that, the site is great ( and I found a guru and I'm ready to get my feet wet (sorry). So, for those who are interested in a different system or are just plain interested, here goes the pathway using a Nano Cube 24G by a newbie on the way. Now for the fine print.
I spent a month reading and lurking in the Nano forums. This is how I've chosen to do my setup. Nano Cubes, like medicine, are an art. So....don't take any of my steps for gospel. I'm new to this. I may be wrong. Do your own research. I will mention brand names to help as a start. Pick your own brands. Read. I will post my fumbles, foibles, etc. Although I'm not Donald Trump, I decided not to cut corners in certain areas, eg, a water filter. There is a pretty consistent theory that SW tanks are not cheap and a little investment and time in the beginning may pay dividends in the long run with respect to not losing livestock. So...feel free to post and add/critique. Go easy, I'm only trying to help. Here is some recommended reading:
1) The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide
by Michael S. Paletta http/
2) http/
3)Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History
by Eric H. Borneman http/
4)The Simple Guide To Mini-reef Aquariums. This book was just released in 2005. I'm reading it now and it looks GREAT!!!
Reminder... the following is for nano care and topics may not apply to the maintenance of a standard reef aquarium
The Nano Cube (for those just starting out)
The Nano Cube is sold by JBL. It comes in several sizes, 12G and 24G. I chose the 24G DX with Moonlight LEDs thinking that slightly more volume would 'buffer' any insults. Bottom line..nano-reefs need meticulous care. My version has the following specs:
1) 24 Gallons 18"x 19.6 x 19.7, glass, seamless corners
2) 72 ( 2 x 36 )watts of compact fluorescent light, 50/50 actinic, two cooling fans
3)Three stage filtration with three rear chambers; comes with 3 sponges, bioballs, ceramic rings, activated charcoal, 290 GPH stock pump (one sponge not's in my tank in the test run)
4)Flip top canopy
5) Moonlight LEDs
I found the cheapest place to purchase mine was on Ebay. The LFS was more than $120 higher.
This is a view of my cube during my dry run, testing for temp, leaks, filtration. Note the intake grill on the left and powerhead outlet on the right.
Here is a view of the chambers in the back. Temp probe is in the middle and heater is in the third chamber
Advantages of the Cube
1) Appearance...just looks cool
2) Mostly self contained. For some of us, it's just easier to have a 'package deal'
3) Width and depth allow for interesting aquascaping of your live rock
4) Has built-in moonlight LEDs
5) Has enough lighting to start off certain soft corals
1) Total lighting supplied is inadequate for many types of corals and livestock, thus, may limit what you have in your tank (eg, certain hard corals and clams)
2)Retrofitting takes some skill and, with this model, may lead to overheating
3)Stock pump is weak
4) No skimmer, although, probably unnecessary
5) When put on a timer, the fans turn off with the lights and the moonlight LEDs can't turn on, ie, must turn the lights off manually to use the LEDS
6) Must be very creative to have a sump with the cube
So, in some hands, creating your nano-reef from regular tanks may leave more doors open to you for better lighting, plumbing and refugium placement( see Parker313's thread). This leads to the next discussion.
Modifications to the Nano Cube (or mods)
Many nano-reefers modify their tanks. The main mods are:
1) Swap out the stock pump for a better one, either the Maxijet 1200 or Rio 1400. Some move the stock pump into the first chamber for more water movement
2) Lighting....add more compact fluorescent lighting
3) Modify the middle chamber into a refugium
4) Remove the sponges, bioballs and ceramic rings (some feel they are nirate factories)
5) Add a skimmer. Most people feel that regular weekly water changes will obviate the need for a skimmer. Skimming my remove valuable nutrients. Most skimmers won't fit into a NanoCube. There is one interesting post on about using a cassette tape cover over the intake grate as a skimmer. If used, tho', you can't use the stock pump in the first chamber since the inward water flow holds the cassette cover in place.
Shopping List
Planning on what you are going to have in your tank first, ie, READING, will help you to figure out what you need to buy. Will you have:
1) Fish only--substrate without LR,plastic ornaments. Cheaper, simpler, but, a dead end if you eventually want corals. Lighting is not much of an issue
2) Fish only with live rock (FOWLR)--can be 'upgraded' when you are ready to go on to corals. Will need heavy lighting requirements depending on how advanced you are going to be.
For now, I've decided to stay with the stock 24G cube. Many soft corals will be supportable. This is a list of my equipment (hey..I may forget one or two things, so, keep on your toes):
1) Heater....Ebo Jager for me. They're in all my tanks. 100W. Solid as a rock.
2) Thermometer. I used a digital one from Drs. Foster and Smith
3) Hydrometer ( I opted to get a refractometer)
4) Marine test kit: pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate...extra is calcium and kH. I went with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals to start. Most rave about Salifert, but, check out the prices on it (it's in the hundreds)
5) Sea salt, popular ones are Oceanic, Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals ( I went with Oceanic)
6) Salt mixing equipment...5 gallon bucket (Home Depot), heater, powerhead, storage container
7) Source of pure water, I purchased an RO/DI unit on Ebay from Aquasafe Systems.
You can buy premixed seawater at most lfs'...either on the shelf or that they can also buy distilled water at the store if you want and mix the salt yourself.
8), small gravel vac for siphoning, gloves, algae scraper
9) Last and not least..when rock, live sand and/or other substrate (crushed coral, aragonite, etc.)
10) Surge protector and don't forget to setup a GFI circuit near water
I won't go into all the 'find a good location for your tank' stuff. I decided to go with the Maxijet 1200.
So...I removed the stock pump from the last chamber. I had to cut the plastic ties on the tubing to get the tube off the pump. I had extra Eheim tubing and replaced the tubing that came with the Nano and also reapplied the ties. The stock pump I will either add to the first chamber or use it for mixing sea water for water changes.
Clean the tank. I used vinegar to help remove some stuck on tape. Rinse.
Set up your tank where you chose the good location and on your stand
My planned live run setup:
1) First chamber: One sponge and possibly the stock pump, facing out of the left side of the intake grate
2) Second chamber: In the future, I will probably add live rock rubble for additional filtration and later on macroalgae as a refugium if I can successfully get light into the middle chamber (this is an area where you have to do some reading and research). Temp probe is in here
3) Third chamber: Maxijet pump, heater
Do a test run. I can't overemphasize this. There are many horror stories of unseen cracks because of the seamless glass. I am presently running mine with FW since I plan to try a refugium modification to see how the temps go. This is where I am for now. SH
Hi... I decided to post this after a note from Parker313. It was her tank that inspired me to try out a nano-reef and also her thread that eventually emptied my bank account (just teasing you Parker). I decided to post this here instead of over at the nano reef site since this is where my interest took hold and, I think, most FW converters start their initial investigation into SW here. I geared it towards people like myself..curious to start a nano or SW tank; ;some experience with FW;some technical abilities but certainly a newbie in this department.
Changing over from FW to SW was a daunting task for me and getting basic questions answered by posts was difficult. Seemed that it was harder 'over there than over here'. Despite that, the site is great ( and I found a guru and I'm ready to get my feet wet (sorry). So, for those who are interested in a different system or are just plain interested, here goes the pathway using a Nano Cube 24G by a newbie on the way. Now for the fine print.
I spent a month reading and lurking in the Nano forums. This is how I've chosen to do my setup. Nano Cubes, like medicine, are an art. So....don't take any of my steps for gospel. I'm new to this. I may be wrong. Do your own research. I will mention brand names to help as a start. Pick your own brands. Read. I will post my fumbles, foibles, etc. Although I'm not Donald Trump, I decided not to cut corners in certain areas, eg, a water filter. There is a pretty consistent theory that SW tanks are not cheap and a little investment and time in the beginning may pay dividends in the long run with respect to not losing livestock. So...feel free to post and add/critique. Go easy, I'm only trying to help. Here is some recommended reading:
1) The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide
by Michael S. Paletta http/
2) http/
3)Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History
by Eric H. Borneman http/
4)The Simple Guide To Mini-reef Aquariums. This book was just released in 2005. I'm reading it now and it looks GREAT!!!
Reminder... the following is for nano care and topics may not apply to the maintenance of a standard reef aquarium
The Nano Cube (for those just starting out)
The Nano Cube is sold by JBL. It comes in several sizes, 12G and 24G. I chose the 24G DX with Moonlight LEDs thinking that slightly more volume would 'buffer' any insults. Bottom line..nano-reefs need meticulous care. My version has the following specs:
1) 24 Gallons 18"x 19.6 x 19.7, glass, seamless corners
2) 72 ( 2 x 36 )watts of compact fluorescent light, 50/50 actinic, two cooling fans
3)Three stage filtration with three rear chambers; comes with 3 sponges, bioballs, ceramic rings, activated charcoal, 290 GPH stock pump (one sponge not's in my tank in the test run)
4)Flip top canopy
5) Moonlight LEDs
I found the cheapest place to purchase mine was on Ebay. The LFS was more than $120 higher.
This is a view of my cube during my dry run, testing for temp, leaks, filtration. Note the intake grill on the left and powerhead outlet on the right.
Here is a view of the chambers in the back. Temp probe is in the middle and heater is in the third chamber
Advantages of the Cube
1) Appearance...just looks cool
2) Mostly self contained. For some of us, it's just easier to have a 'package deal'
3) Width and depth allow for interesting aquascaping of your live rock
4) Has built-in moonlight LEDs
5) Has enough lighting to start off certain soft corals
1) Total lighting supplied is inadequate for many types of corals and livestock, thus, may limit what you have in your tank (eg, certain hard corals and clams)
2)Retrofitting takes some skill and, with this model, may lead to overheating
3)Stock pump is weak
4) No skimmer, although, probably unnecessary
5) When put on a timer, the fans turn off with the lights and the moonlight LEDs can't turn on, ie, must turn the lights off manually to use the LEDS
6) Must be very creative to have a sump with the cube
So, in some hands, creating your nano-reef from regular tanks may leave more doors open to you for better lighting, plumbing and refugium placement( see Parker313's thread). This leads to the next discussion.
Modifications to the Nano Cube (or mods)
Many nano-reefers modify their tanks. The main mods are:
1) Swap out the stock pump for a better one, either the Maxijet 1200 or Rio 1400. Some move the stock pump into the first chamber for more water movement
2) Lighting....add more compact fluorescent lighting
3) Modify the middle chamber into a refugium
4) Remove the sponges, bioballs and ceramic rings (some feel they are nirate factories)
5) Add a skimmer. Most people feel that regular weekly water changes will obviate the need for a skimmer. Skimming my remove valuable nutrients. Most skimmers won't fit into a NanoCube. There is one interesting post on about using a cassette tape cover over the intake grate as a skimmer. If used, tho', you can't use the stock pump in the first chamber since the inward water flow holds the cassette cover in place.
Shopping List
Planning on what you are going to have in your tank first, ie, READING, will help you to figure out what you need to buy. Will you have:
1) Fish only--substrate without LR,plastic ornaments. Cheaper, simpler, but, a dead end if you eventually want corals. Lighting is not much of an issue
2) Fish only with live rock (FOWLR)--can be 'upgraded' when you are ready to go on to corals. Will need heavy lighting requirements depending on how advanced you are going to be.
For now, I've decided to stay with the stock 24G cube. Many soft corals will be supportable. This is a list of my equipment (hey..I may forget one or two things, so, keep on your toes):
1) Heater....Ebo Jager for me. They're in all my tanks. 100W. Solid as a rock.
2) Thermometer. I used a digital one from Drs. Foster and Smith
3) Hydrometer ( I opted to get a refractometer)
4) Marine test kit: pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate...extra is calcium and kH. I went with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals to start. Most rave about Salifert, but, check out the prices on it (it's in the hundreds)
5) Sea salt, popular ones are Oceanic, Instant Ocean and Reef Crystals ( I went with Oceanic)
6) Salt mixing equipment...5 gallon bucket (Home Depot), heater, powerhead, storage container
7) Source of pure water, I purchased an RO/DI unit on Ebay from Aquasafe Systems.
You can buy premixed seawater at most lfs'...either on the shelf or that they can also buy distilled water at the store if you want and mix the salt yourself.
8), small gravel vac for siphoning, gloves, algae scraper
9) Last and not least..when rock, live sand and/or other substrate (crushed coral, aragonite, etc.)
10) Surge protector and don't forget to setup a GFI circuit near water
I won't go into all the 'find a good location for your tank' stuff. I decided to go with the Maxijet 1200.
So...I removed the stock pump from the last chamber. I had to cut the plastic ties on the tubing to get the tube off the pump. I had extra Eheim tubing and replaced the tubing that came with the Nano and also reapplied the ties. The stock pump I will either add to the first chamber or use it for mixing sea water for water changes.
Clean the tank. I used vinegar to help remove some stuck on tape. Rinse.
Set up your tank where you chose the good location and on your stand
My planned live run setup:
1) First chamber: One sponge and possibly the stock pump, facing out of the left side of the intake grate
2) Second chamber: In the future, I will probably add live rock rubble for additional filtration and later on macroalgae as a refugium if I can successfully get light into the middle chamber (this is an area where you have to do some reading and research). Temp probe is in here
3) Third chamber: Maxijet pump, heater
Do a test run. I can't overemphasize this. There are many horror stories of unseen cracks because of the seamless glass. I am presently running mine with FW since I plan to try a refugium modification to see how the temps go. This is where I am for now. SH