230 Gallon Reef Tank.

Lol I agree :)
Getting closer.
Sorry for the lack of updates been crazy busy with work and setting up more stuff in the tank.
We got the return pump piped in and hooked up then turned it on and after discovering a small leak in one of the outflow pipes we had to stop the pump take out the pipe and glue in some new pieces.
here's some pictures :)

The tank is a bit murky since I added about 115 pounds of salt and my live rock into the sump

The skimmer is in the return tank but I found I need to raise it up higher because it's sucking to to much water but I should have that worked out soon.
As it sits now the pump can stop completly and there is enough room in the last return tank for all the water to drain into and not overflow so there is no chance of an acciden.
I had to make a slight adjustment to the outflow pipe on the refugium that's the pipe sticking up that looks weird. It was siphoning the tank down instead of stoping when it went bellow the pipe like I had intended.
So now the tank is cycling and hopefully in a bit I will have pictures of fish in there for y'all :)
Yeah I hate working in small places so the obvious corse of action was to go nuts and build this lol.
Yea, you sure wont have that issue haha, thats certainly going to do a good job with filtration :D
Yeah I'm hoping it dose a good job. Over the corse of the next year and a half too two years I intend to stock this tank with about 30 fish maybe more we will see how it goes but between the live rock in the sump and main tank the refugium and the protein skimmer I hope to keep up with waist and have a healthy tank. Fingers crossed :)
Got the skimmer in and working on tuning it but it's pulling some good gunk from the tank already.

And the tank is clearing up nicely.
Tested the water yesterday and it's all looking good I think I'm pretty much cycled I'm going to give it another week and test some more but hopefully it's there :)
Also got some chaeto algae from my brothers tank and put it in the refugium along with some of his cycled live rock to add a little bio diversity.
Brilliant thread RR :nod:
Very, very impressed with the sump and refugium set ups.
Neat and very organised, everything makes sense, even for a non SW fishkeeper like me :lol:
Main display tank is real good too, water clearing up nicely and do like the rock formation set up, will look great when your planned stocking is added.
Keep up the great work and do continue with the great updates and pics of course :)
Thanks for the positive feed back Ch4.
The water is clearing up great now that the skimmer is going good and my cycle is pretty much complete so I'm looking for some of the fish on my list :)


This is a better picture of the back area behind my tank. I will be building a platform in the future that covers the pipes and runs the whole length of the tank so I can stand up on it and work in the tank easily.

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