220 Gallons / 1000 Litres - What would you do?


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Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
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East Yorks
I've mentioned it in passing a couple of times but held of this kind of thread until I was 99% sure it would happen and I think I'm there now. For people that have followed my 'Impossible Dream' journal you will know I've been planning a large 4 foot tank that was eventually bought in August last year but has sat empty due to some home renovations that we (the royal we) wanted to do near to where the tank was going. Thats fallen through now as its too complex and expensive but it has freed some funds up for a very large tank and my family is on board as well!

The one I'm looking at is an 8x2x2 220 Gallon / 1000 Litre tank from ND Aquatics. I'm not sure how to set it up... a few people I've spoken to have suggested sumps at this size but I'm not 100% I want to do that - I am a fan of a canister filter. For this size tank I'm looking at either 2 Fluval FX6's or something similar Aquael do some good ones, Sun Sun seem to do a knock off FX6 now as well. From Aquael they do the Hypermax 4500 which does 5000lph and has a prefilter - would two of these be a viable choice or is that over kill? For comparison 2 FX6's would give me 7000lph and would cost about the same as they Hypermax... maybe thats the easy choice?

In terms of what I want to keep in this tank though I have a couple of front runners but I'd love to hear what other people would do in the tank. One caveat I have pretty hard water so bear that in mind but I am quite open to anything.

My top 3 at the moment are

1. Malawi Mbuna tank
2. Malawi Peacocks and Haps tank
3. Central American Cichlid tank/ biotope

But... in a tank this big I know the options are pretty endless... the only thing I'm really reluctant to do are Rainbowfish (even though I love them) the TB risk is just too much for me.

If I were dealing with English energy costs, I would look at the consumption of the various options. Personally, at that size, I think the tank is ideal for a sump. I avoid them too, but that's a lot of canister....

You and I like different fish, and I've always read your posts with great interest. You seem to love Central Americans, and to be curious about Malawis. The Central Americans you like need big tanks. Malawis can fit in smaller tanks than that...

Is this not an opportunity to get some hulking thing with character and style? Malawis are pretty, but to me, fundamentally dull characters compared to those American Cichlids you like. I've got Lee Nuttall's book in front of me here, and while there's not a fish in it that would call out to me, can you say the same?

I'd probably handle it very differently, with small fish, but you have always struck me a CA person. I once had a choice, because of time, to follow a Guatemalan stream in search of livebearers, or stay at a pool created by a waterfall and watch the big Cichlids that were displaying in the sunlight. I picked the stream. I bet you would have picked the pool.
If I were dealing with English energy costs, I would look at the consumption of the various options. Personally, at that size, I think the tank is ideal for a sump. I avoid them too, but that's a lot of canister....

You and I like different fish, and I've always read your posts with great interest. You seem to love Central Americans, and to be curious about Malawis. The Central Americans you like need big tanks. Malawis can fit in smaller tanks than that...

Is this not an opportunity to get some hulking thing with character and style? Malawis are pretty, but to me, fundamentally dull characters compared to those American Cichlids you like. I've got Lee Nuttall's book in front of me here, and while there's not a fish in it that would call out to me, can you say the same?

I'd probably handle it very differently, with small fish, but you have always struck me a CA person. I once had a choice, because of time, to follow a Guatemalan stream in search of livebearers, or stay at a pool created by a waterfall and watch the big Cichlids that were displaying in the sunlight. I picked the stream. I bet you would have picked the pool.

Gary that is so poetic! Thank you!

I do like Central Americans but... I'm a little off them at the moment but it could swing back. In a tank this size I can get a short list very quickly but its so hard to build a tank around them. The short list would be things like Boucourti, Black Belts, Bredorhi, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Nicaraguans (obviously) - few more on the maybe list... but what do you keep with them companion fish from Central America are so rare to non existent in the UK and other options dont do as much for me.

Malawi definitely turn my head but I'm not 100% yet, very close but just wanted to through it out to see what others would do. I do like the idea of lots of small fish - I could do a huge Lake Inle biotope haha! Emerald Rasbora, Rummy Nose Rasbora, Thick Lip Gourami, Inle Loaches (think there are a few others)...

For Mbuna, I've got like a dream list but I don't know if its possible. I've been speaking to a few different people about it and some play very strict to the 'rules' (gender ratios, mbuna or peacocks etc) but have not had big tanks and but the people with big tanks bend the rules and 'get away with it' but is that because its ok in larger aquariums or luck I'm not sure... and no one seems to be able to outline.

I have to admit on the filtration I had not thought of the power consumption... does not worry me too much these days but good point. Just a quick check shows the FX6 is 41 watt and the Hypermax is 36 watt which is interesting... I wonder what the Ehiem options are, I've not looked but I know a few years ago they did a revamp to make their pumps more efficient.

Oh and I would definitely be in the pool looking at the Cichlids - trying to convince my wife to go to Costa Rica for a family holiday to do the same haha! Though the lakes for Nicaraguan Cichlids are about a three hour drive from the tourist resorts... not that I've checked or anything...

Might get some Stingrays and an Arowana
Have you seen tiger pike cichlids? Those things look so cool
Might get some Stingrays and an Arowana
Oh man get in Wills, thats great news!!!

First two names what popped in my head when i saw the title!! Epic that would be...certainly a dream tank in the making🤩

Centrals would win all day long for me over africans especially when your talking BIG tank. I know youve come to like africans of late and they would look great in a 4ft or 6ft set up but 8ft cries out for fish with big personalities and has you know you wont beat Ca/Sa cichlids for that!

Happy days mate
Have you seen tiger pike cichlids? Those things look so cool
The Zebrinas? Stunning fish! I've always fancied pikes as well, think softening my water for a big fish South American set up might be too much though.

Oh man get in Wills, thats great news!!!

First two names what popped in my head when i saw the title!! Epic that would be...certainly a dream tank in the making🤩

Centrals would win all day long for me over africans especially when your talking BIG tank. I know youve come to like africans of late and they would look great in a 4ft or 6ft set up but 8ft cries out for fish with big personalities and has you know you wont beat Ca/Sa cichlids for that!

Happy days mate
If you went Centrals what would be your picks? I'm fairly certain I'd have to have Bocourti and Nicaraguans in there but not too sure what else. I am considering Mbuna most at the moment, I really want to understand the possibilities of adding some Peacocks or Haps in there as so many people do it, but I know its generally not advised but is that not advised in a 4 foot? Surely an 8 foot could be a different situation?

I just wish I could see it once you get it set up. There is NOTHING more captivating or awesome than a really big aquarium to a tropical fish hobbyist. If it were me I would go the Central American cichlid route.
I'll be sure to share some pics and hopefully videos :)
My top 3 at the moment are

1. Malawi Mbuna tank
2. Malawi Peacocks and Haps tank
3. Central American Cichlid tank/ biotope

I like your choice no. 1 and 2.
By the way, you can download the "Fish Companion" apps to see the fish of Lake Malawi - Mbuna, Peacock and Hap.

But I had just closed down my Lake Malawi tank and now I feel that Lake Tanganyika fish are more interesting than Lake Malawi.

Though Lake Malawi fish are more colourful, Lake Tanganyika fish are more unique and have nicer fins and tails.
Lake Tanganyika fish look more elegant to me.
As Gary mentioned, I guess everyone favourite and preferences are different.

I was looking at this Xenotilapia recently and I find them to be very unique.

I guess for hard water fish, my favourite will be either Lake Tanganyika or Lake Victoria fish. They are beautiful and unique.

I like your choice no. 1 and 2.
By the way, you can download the "Fish Companion" apps to see the fish of Lake Malawi - Mbuna, Peacock and Hap.

But I had just closed down my Lake Malawi tank and now I feel that Lake Tanganyika fish are more interesting than Lake Malawi.

Though Lake Malawi fish are more colourful, Lake Tanganyika fish are more unique and have nicer fins and tails.
Lake Tanganyika fish look more elegant to me.
As Gary mentioned, I guess everyone favourite and preferences are different.

I was looking at this Xenotilapia recently and I find them to be very unique.

I guess for hard water fish, my favourite will be either Lake Tanganyika or Lake Victoria fish. They are beautiful and unique.

Ohhh I didnt know you did Malawis! Do you have any pics or details of your fish and tanks?

I like Tanganyikans too, Frotosa, Moshi and Tropheus are amazing! I do like some of the sand sifters and the feather fins but I'm not in love with like the mid sized species like a lot of the Lamprologus/Neolamprologus and the Julidichromis just never been my thing. I did see a big group of Tropheus sp.Phoenix for sale in an LFS that were really nice but I think I want the diversity of colour and shape from Malawi at the moment.

I don't know much about Lake Victoria though I've seen a few species that people say you can mix with Mbuna?

I've mentioned it in passing a couple of times but held of this kind of thread until I was 99% sure it would happen and I think I'm there now. For people that have followed my 'Impossible Dream' journal you will know I've been planning a large 4 foot tank that was eventually bought in August last year but has sat empty due to some home renovations that we (the royal we) wanted to do near to where the tank was going. Thats fallen through now as its too complex and expensive but it has freed some funds up for a very large tank and my family is on board as well!

The one I'm looking at is an 8x2x2 220 Gallon / 1000 Litre tank from ND Aquatics. I'm not sure how to set it up... a few people I've spoken to have suggested sumps at this size but I'm not 100% I want to do that - I am a fan of a canister filter. For this size tank I'm looking at either 2 Fluval FX6's or something similar Aquael do some good ones, Sun Sun seem to do a knock off FX6 now as well. From Aquael they do the Hypermax 4500 which does 5000lph and has a prefilter - would two of these be a viable choice or is that over kill? For comparison 2 FX6's would give me 7000lph and would cost about the same as they Hypermax... maybe thats the easy choice?

In terms of what I want to keep in this tank though I have a couple of front runners but I'd love to hear what other people would do in the tank. One caveat I have pretty hard water so bear that in mind but I am quite open to anything.

My top 3 at the moment are

1. Malawi Mbuna tank
2. Malawi Peacocks and Haps tank
3. Central American Cichlid tank/ biotope

But... in a tank this big I know the options are pretty endless... the only thing I'm really reluctant to do are Rainbowfish (even though I love them) the TB risk is just too much for me.

Envious here. 2 Fluval FX’s would be ample & what an amazing size aquarium to do a Mbuna setup. My Mbuna tank was by far my favourite.
Envious here. 2 Fluval FX’s would be ample & what an amazing size aquarium to do a Mbuna setup. My Mbuna tank was by far my favourite.
Ooo that sounds interesting! Would love to know more about your Mbuna set up - tank size, species, numbers etc? Do you have any photos?

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