

Jul 15, 2007
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Torquay, Devon, England
Ok so im shortly rehoming my RTBS who is in my roughly 20litre tank, cant remember exact dimensions, but its not big.

Once rehomed I was wondering what I could do with the tank and thought about a small nano tank for possibly 1 or 2 fish and some other little critters.

My questions are......

is it doable in such a small tank?
if so what fish would suit it?
and lastly what would I need to do to convert a tank that size to saltwater nano??

It currently has just a small internal bubble box filter, a 50W heater and a light as wella as gravel substrate and some decs.

Many thanks all advice greatly apprecirated

ditch the filter, gravel, decorations, get 5lbs of live sand, 6lbs of live rock, figure out a way to add some flow...personally for a tank that size I would get a HOB filter, remove all media, add a little light to the top of it, add some sand and a chunk of chaeto algae in there, then you have some flow in the tank, as well as a HOB refugium. That should provide ample filtration. Your current lights should be fine. As far as fish...MAYBE a small goby. Peppermint shrimp may be ok...mushroom coral...it's doable.

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