20gallon Tank, Odd Fish

the assam blue looks lovely

would that be ok in my tank?

also the 20gallon has live sand and crushed coral as its substrate, will i have to change this?
I would, change it to Silver sand/play sand. I kept mine in low pH water. THe crushed coral will buffer the pH too high i imagine. They adapt to tap water pH, but their colours are lovely in low pH :D
Yep, i had the Assma Blue, get the same size as the ordinary Bleheri.
ok and what water conditions am i aiming for?

temp, ph? etc etc

ok well thats my 50quid substrate down the loo then lolol

so i will get some nice natural sand, a nice big twisted bit of bogwood, some nice plants, anything else?

also can it live with something like an apple snail to clean up the tank,, or is he gonna get eaten lol
People had success keeping them with loaches such as the kubotia loach. Not sure, see how it goes :p It will demolish shrimp as you can imagine.

Temp wise your looking at 22-24 degrees i'd imagine...24 being ideal. pH they can handle 6.5- 7.8 or so...i'd try and get it around 6.8-7.5.

Yep bogwood and lots of plants, they like to rest in the plants at times. You can create some slate caves too if you wanted.
my ph is about 7 here :)

oooo im all excited now lol

will it bite me when i clean the inside glass?
Good good :)
hmmm hard question, mine bit my mum when she was feeding it bloodworm whilst i was on holiday...never but me :p
They are a nice fish and when in the right conditions gain lovely colours and are a real character and great to feed.
Stuff like mussel, chopped silversides, cockle...meaty stuff are good things to feed it :)
ive got all that here from when i was keeping puffer fish

oooo im all excited now, just gonna get rid of the substrate and give the tank a good clean, as it was set at marine levels
for a tank bred Bleheri PH7 will be fine, but they are subtropical so remember that when getting one. They do not live and the same tropical temps most other fish you will keep do.

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