20g redeco-ing


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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This is in the process of being re-aquascaped. Ignore the cory, he's not dead, just crazy, old, from a bad spawn, not sure really. He's just the crazy old guy. Yep, he is the only cory, I started off with 6 but the rest have slowly died off over the year and I'm not replacing them. Ignore also the plants that aren't java fern or amazon sword, they're from another tank I'm using for breeding. The white speckly bits are air bubbles from the other filter in there. Fishwise, there are usually 9 danios but 3 are otherwise engaged in another tank. Oh yeah, I'm not sure if I'm keeping the flowerpot, thats from the other tank too. Comments? Or else? :p

nice flo9werpot. a cool thing my mom did with a flowerpot in her 10 gallon was to tip it upside down at an angle and put an airstone under it so the bubble came out the top through the little hole. it looks really cool too.
Ayone got any idea of what to do with the empty space? I like it fairly empty, but any ideas appreciated. Also any other fish I could add (that are fine with the danios)
OohFeeshy said:
Ayone got any idea of what to do with the empty space? I like it fairly empty, but any ideas appreciated. Also any other fish I could add (that are fine with the danios)

More Danios?? :hey:
Jo and Gra said:
silly question........

is that a dead fish in the flower pot?

Read the first post...please read carfully before you post.
personally I think the wood needs to come more towards the center, and the java fern needs to come more towards the bottom of the wood rather then on the top, then I'd move the amazon sword to the left side of the wood. If you want to keep the wood on the side of the tank I would recommend moving it to the other side of the tank so the top part is sticking out towards the middle of the tank I think it'd look much better. If you want a nice easy growing plant for the background and around the wood I suggest hygrophilia ( http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v607/MXP...ed/IMG_1859.jpg please ignore the crappy state the tank is in it's under reconstruction at the moment after a plant fall out when I moved. Hygro is the stuff on the left side, nice easy grower under any light pretty much, I started with two 1.5' pieces that I trimmed down to nothing and that's what I've got now :p . Some other easy growers include anubias (of any sort), and crypts (also of any sort). I think you'll be much happier w/ some more plants in there, and when you plant them don't spred them out or alternate different types of plants keep like plants together as that's how they would be naturally. To comment on what's already in there I would say get rid of the flowerpot unless you've got some kind of cichlids you want to breed in there, I think they're eyesores and don't go w/ your natural tank look to just be a deco piece. Also even though the other plants are from another tank group them closer around the wood as being out in the middle looks very unorganized like they were just tossed in there (which they probably were but still). Also along w/ matts suggestion a nice rock pile would make for a nice addition and will give fish places to swim and hide as well. Best of luck w/ your tank, looks like a good start but there's plenty of room to add more stuff.

sorry for the book but that's just what came to mind when i was looking at it and there's a nice response for you to contemplate :p

Thanks for the comments everyone :)

MXPX4318- Very few plants are an option for me, I have crappy lighting, about .75 WPG. I also have rubbish LFS's and see no point whatsoever in forking out £3.49 on a plant I can get for 70p or less elsewhere. I'm not really sure a rockpile would go, well, I can't see it anyway, and they don't need places to hide. That would mean more fuss with catching the blooming things, and they already have lots of nooks and crannies in and around the wood if thy so feel like it. I also like the wood on the left, I find the eye is naturally drawn to the left side, and in the room it's in people look arond in a clockwise direction, so seeing the left side first. The wood also helps hide the filter (I'd get an external but they cost too much). Its also loosely based on a Takashi Amano tank, it was meant to have a riccia carpet but I don't have enough lighting.
Yep, he is the only cory, I started off with 6 but the rest have slowly died off over the year and I'm not replacing them.
Errmm...why not? Cories need to be in groups, please attleast get him a buddy. Its like people saying that they don't like their oscar so they won't upgrade from their 10 gallon tank (Somebody actually has said that to me before). It just really irks me...

Nice tank, BTW. The river rock looks cool.
Why not? Well, for a start, I wasn't expecting him to last this long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to kill him or anything, but what with the mystery of what killed the others and the massive overfeeding by my nan, he's almost indestrutable. TBH, even when I had 6 they barely moved or grouped together. And in his condition (the lack of movement and laying on his side and generally acting like a complete headcase), I doubt others would help. And I don't want to get anymore because they barely do anything, are expensive and are prone to bacterial infections. Other corys won't make a blind bit of difference, the last 'buddy' of his died about a week ago and his behavior hasn't changed a jot.
how about tying some more java fern or maybe an anubias nana to the driftwood? btw, the second arrangement looks alot better, the stones are a nice addition.
OohFeeshy said:
Why not? Well, for a start, I wasn't expecting him to last this long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to kill him or anything, but what with the mystery of what killed the others and the massive overfeeding by my nan, he's almost indestrutable. TBH, even when I had 6 they barely moved or grouped together. And in his condition (the lack of movement and laying on his side and generally acting like a complete headcase), I doubt others would help. And I don't want to get anymore because they barely do anything, are expensive and are prone to bacterial infections. Other corys won't make a blind bit of difference, the last 'buddy' of his died about a week ago and his behavior hasn't changed a jot.

Ok then, I guess your cory is a exception.

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