20 long rescape

I think it’s TETRA or marine land, whatever they sell at petsmart. This DIY tank is adding up on the cost front, I would have done black sand in retrospect. But there’s always the next tank...
Whatever it is, it looks great. I am thinking of doing a black sanded tank on my next tank. (whenever that may be...)
Whatever it is, it looks great. I am thinking of doing a black sanded tank on my next tank. (whenever that may be...)
Spring for the good stuff, the black sands are a little bit more on the pricey side, but they’re better than what I’ve got.
Spring for the good stuff, the black sands are a little bit more on the pricey side, but they’re better than what I’ve got.
Defiantly more expensive than the $5 for 50lb of play sand that I get? ;)
OH I KNOW, it's the platform that you're going to use to put the house jack in MIL's living room. Duh, so obvious. Jk jk I'm just messing :D
OH I KNOW, it's the platform that you're going to use to put the house jack in MIL's living room. Duh, so obvious. Jk jk I'm just messing :D
Haha, not quite at only 18” long.

I DO have the material for the beam system to build that though...
Got impatient. 3 heaters, 2 fans and a dehumidifier sped up the dry times of the finishes.

So with that being said...

You know you’re a fish nerd when: You spend one of the few days you have off, doing the thing you do all week at work to build a custom wall mount for your aquarium power bar... that matches the trim of your custom built aquarium stand...


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Great guess! But the 30gal is going onto the existing stand, and that project has been post poned...
Funny thing about DIY projects they always start out so simple and CHEAP....hey have you thought a simple plastic tub to put that canister into? Just as a precaution against leakage.
Funny thing about DIY projects they always start out so simple and CHEAP....hey have you thought a simple plastic tub to put that canister into? Just as a precaution against leakage.
No, I have not thought of that, and it’s a terrific idea. I’ll see if I have anything around that will fit it.
Nothing in my house will hold the canister filter atm.

i will figure that out tomorrow.

ordered some more plants yesterday, went to pick them up. While I was out, I found the one store that had my otocinclus I was looking for, only had 3 left, so now they have zero left.

I also picked up 5 amano shrimp, which are now adjusting to the 20, while the ottos go for their 2 week fishy time out in the 10 gallon.

I added a few more rocks in to break up the bare bottom some more, and I’m real happy with how this tank is coming together.


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Looking great, my 20 long is being used for my RES turtles. I really like it and want to have fish in it but it works out best for my turtles so they have it for now.


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Oh that is so exciting!! Are you doing RO in this tank for the ottos? They're such cute fish but I'm basically traumatized from owning them because they did so badly when I last tried to keep them. Not that they're really an option for me right now since my water is pretty much the opposite of what they need. Hopefully they do well for you!!
I’m buying jugs of RO water right now, trying to bring the gh down slowly.
Still looking into getting a system, but work schedule and pandemic store hours are really putting a damper on my plans.

But I digress...

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