Oh, I know fully well what I went into, I know tangs are ich magnets, and that for the most part the majority of them require 6 ft tanks (save the mimic and mole tangs for example) yes it is not ideal, it is minimum requirements, but if you don't own the tank and someone else makes the final call and if they want a tang, best to pick one that can actually fit.
I also chose a mimic tang because they are a little hardier than others, same with the powder brown.
I also aggree with you that the powder brown shouldn't be there, but then again, all I can do is make suggestions and take care of whatever is in the tank, sure I get fish and corals but the way my dad wants to stock its like he wants to but everything.
Hopefully the powder brown doesn't grow as much anymore, its already a decent size and they tend to stay smaller in home aquaria.
I have yet to check on the tank and tang but last since around one am yellow was doing a lot better, less lethargic, moving around more, he was still sticking close to the sand bed. I left him some algae incase he got hungry so he has food, and I'm feeding him garlic brineshrimp as well as treating him for ich and some fin tears /slim coat.
Hopefully he is still alive so I can keep treating him.
I also chose a mimic tang because they are a little hardier than others, same with the powder brown.
I also aggree with you that the powder brown shouldn't be there, but then again, all I can do is make suggestions and take care of whatever is in the tank, sure I get fish and corals but the way my dad wants to stock its like he wants to but everything.
Hopefully the powder brown doesn't grow as much anymore, its already a decent size and they tend to stay smaller in home aquaria.
I have yet to check on the tank and tang but last since around one am yellow was doing a lot better, less lethargic, moving around more, he was still sticking close to the sand bed. I left him some algae incase he got hungry so he has food, and I'm feeding him garlic brineshrimp as well as treating him for ich and some fin tears /slim coat.
Hopefully he is still alive so I can keep treating him.