20 Gallon Tropical Tank Help!


New Member
Aug 14, 2012
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Hello, I'm sort of new to fish keeping,I've taken care of some fish in the past though.The longest fish I had was a Tiger Oscar Cichlid and a Plecostomus. They both got to big for my 10 gallon tank,so I gave them away. Anyways, I got a 20 gallon long fish tank awhile ago, so I wanted to set it up. We (my family) had a turtle in the tank before,but we had some supplies from our ten gallon.So my dad had to buy a hood, a 20 gallon filter, some gravel and a decor with a bubble blower inside it. We had some fake plants and a cave decor piece from our ten gallon.We also had the air blower from the ten gallon too.So, we rinsed off everything and set the fish tank up. Right now we are just having it cycle for a couple of days.But here's the problem we only have one submerge able heater and the heater is in our other 5 gallon tank with the tiger barbs.My dad does not want to buy another one either,so if we take the heater from the 5 gallon and put it in our 20 gallon long tank, and then once the tank is warmed up can we put the tiger barbs in? Or do you guys think they will die? We had the tank cycle through out the night and I put in some chlorine remover and water conditioner.I just want to know.We can't buy another heater because we only need one.The 5 gallon we will put goldfish in next time. Also once we get the 20 gallon all set up what kinds of fish can I put in it? I really like the African Dwarf frog, Orange Von Rio flame tetra, Red belly X-ray tetra, Velvet wag swordtail and Silver Lyretail Molly. I just don't know if they will get along with each other. Also, I'm sorry for writing this much but, I wanted to get all of the details in. Here's the 20 gallon so far. ds pictures 003.jpg
First of all, cycling takes more than a couple days. Mine took about a month. Here's a link to the guide:http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/113861-fishless-cycling/
Second, a 5 gallon heater most likely won't be able to heat the 20 gallon.
Third, goldfish get way too big for a 5 gallon tank.
So I would cycle the tank before thinking about anything else, but you might also want to get a heater as soon as possible. Bacteria reproduce faster when the temperature is higher, so the cycle will go by faster if the temperature's around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You could get a betta or something instead of goldfish in the 5 gallon.
Thanks for the info. Also I really don't know what size the heater is. We originally had the heater in a 10 gallon then we moved it to the 5 gallon because we got the tiger barbs.Now we got the 20 gallon long.I don't even know what the brand name is either.I'll have to see if it does or does not heat the 20 gallon long. Is there any small fish then that don't need a heater that can fit in a 5 gallon if a goldfish wont fit?I would hate to just let the fish tank sit and collect dust too.What am I to do with the tiger barbs when I transfer the heater over to the 20 gallon long to see if it heats it up at all too? I don't think they will survive with out a heater. Thanks again.
Like I said i'm still learning how to take care of fish too.
A small heater will still heat your 20g, it'll just have to work harder to do so than one of the correct size.

I would get the 20g up to the right temperature with some hot water (kettle or tap, doesn't matter) and then add the heater, fish and, most importantly, their filter media, all at the same time.

There really aren't any temperate/coldwater fish for a 5g tank. There are small temperate fish, but they're too active for a tank of that size.
Yea I put the heater in now and took out some of the cold water and added some hot to help the heater. I also think that the heater is a ten gallon now because my dad just told me that he got it with the ten gallon and the 20 gallon is a little bit bigger.We might get a new heater if the temperature drops below 70 F with the heater.We also put the tiger barbs that we had in the 5 gallon in the 20 gallon now and they are doing fine. Also we bought 3 bleeding heart tetras and 3 more tiger barbs and they are doing fine too. I'll upload more pictures here soon. Thanks for all the help too.
Careful what you put into your tank because you'll end up overstocking your tank entirely. Also, I wouldn't get anymore fish. I know that tetras are to be in groups of 5 up and you only have 3 now, but even a 20 long is too small for a group of 8 tiger barbs. In the ways that I was taught, tiger barbs needed 40 gallons or up. They're really active swimmers and they need large tanks.

You've done a nice job picking out the gravel and decorations though. I love the gravel! :good:
May I first say congrats on your new tank :)

Second, you are not properly cycled. It takes around three weeks to cycle a tank if you know what you're doing. As you have already added more fish I strongly recommend you buy a liquid test kin (such as an API brand one) They run about 40$ CAN, They test Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrate and pH (Generally). If that is too much consider test strips, which are cheaper. The main thing you will worry about this point is the Ammonia level in your tank. It should be 0. I suggest you do research on the Nitrogen cycle, we have topics about it on this forum somewhere ;) Transfer as much media from the 5 gallon filter into the new filter as is possible.

Third, a small school of Tiger barbs (Such as your first 3) will do alright in a 20 gallon. However your total of is very close to tank capacity (In my opinion). Go by the 'Inch per gallon' rule. But don't take the size they are now, go by the size they CAN reach, which is about 3 inches. so 3 x 6 is 18, which means as a basic rule you need 18 gallons of water for those 6 fish, not including your new Tetras.

Fourth, if you put your small heater in the 20 gallon it should be alright, not ideal but alright. However with your heater in the 20 gallon, there is very little you can put in your 5 gallon. You need go get another heater if you want to use both tanks. And there is a very limited number of fish you can put in a small tank like the 5 gallon. In fact, I would say only a Betta fish as well as a few shrimp and snails would be suitable for a tank of such a size.
@Blitz Ok I won't get anymore fish,also I don't have 8 tiger barbs I just have 5. Just to clear that up.I did not know that tiger barbs need that much room either. The petsmart clerk said that a 20 gallon would be enough. I guess she was wrong. Thanks I knew that black gravel would make the colorful fish stand out, but I just didn't want all black so I got the one with some color in it.

@KrystaK Thanks,and I know that my tank is not properly cycled but my dad wanted to buy some fish while they were $1 US at petsmart. So far they survived but I'll see about getting a water tester kit. Also, I'll remember that inch per gallon rule next time.
Thanks everybody for the help too.
Very nice tank, I like the decor! It sounds like the fish should be fine together.

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