20 gallon tanks stocking?


New Member
Feb 2, 2008
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My two 20 gallon high fish tanks just got done cycling and I need some help with stocking them. They are running 2 aquaclear 20 filters on each tank and the current temp of the tanks are 80 degrees if this helps any.

Here are two stocking ideas that I have right now and please tell me if they sound ok. Thanks!

Tank #1
8 Black Skirt Tetras
1 Bristlenose Pleco

Tank #2
8-10 Ember Tetras
6 Panda Corydoras
Do you know your pH, GH, and KH? These will change whether my answer stays the same or not... but until then:

#2 is better. No issues with this stock, even for a 20g high.

#1 I'd scrap this plan. For a couple reasons. BN plecos get 6 inches as adults. A 20g, especially a high, just isn't enough space. They're better 30g+, unless it's a pair of BN ONLY in a 20g long... no other fish. But not in a high. Another thing is the high has less surface area for oxygen which plecos really need. Next thing is the skirt tetras. They can get really big, and they also like to stake out space and will bicker over it until hierarchy is settled. They can reach 2.5" to even 3" (though most don't reach this size, most stay around 2.5") that's still a large tetra for a short tank.

You can see full size potentials here:

In addition to @CassCats on-target comments, I assume your heaters are adjustable, because several of those species prefer temps lower than 80F, panda corys especially.
80 is a bit on the warm side for panda cory; and I personally would not put in a bn pleco in a 20 long. If you absolutely must have a pleco go with the smaller clown pleco but generally speaking i personally would skip them.
I didn't even notice the temperatures 🥴

Yeah, panda and ember tetras I'd reduce that temp down to 74F and it'd be nice for both species. 80F is too hot.

If you CANT reduce the temperature, you could consider other species, such as green neon tetras who will love that temperature. There's no cories who will fit in that tank that like those temperatures, however. So bottom dwellers are out.

I'd replace heaters if they can't be adjusted instead so you have more options.

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