20 Gallon Tank

not sure if petco sells that particular one. i know they do have a master test kit there, but i think it does every water param u could possibly imagine, lol. i think it's around $50 :(. i'll double check when i stop in after work.

thanks for the tip CKutz.


Checked petco, they are asking around $32 for the API kit (test ph, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite), it would cost me around $25 with my discount, which isn't bad. i might shop around to see if i can find it a little cheaper, or just wait till the end of the week (pay day ya know) to get it.
sounds good. i hated spending that much on something that seems so simple..but there's not really anyway around it..and it is pretty much a necessity. especially when you're starting out. cause your tank is kinda in a delicate state for awhile, and things can go a little haywire, and it's important to be able to check those levels.
yea, the only benefit is that u usually get over 50 tests for one of those master kits, which is a little more economic than the strips (25 strips for $15!!!!).

and i'd rather spend the money on something like that rather than having to spend money to replace fish all the time because my water is outta wack.
thanks for the good words... i'll keep u posted on how things go!
Yes, the API Freshwater Master Test Kit is the one that I and probably the majority of beginners here in the beginners section use for our fishless and fish-in cycles and periodic testing thereafter. A number of members have pointed out that they've found these from this or that vendor on e-bay for apparently the lowest price, but not that different from what you're talking about there with your discount. Also, any of the major liquid-reagent-based test kits including Nutrafin Mini-Master and Salifert will be fine for this kind of testing.

i looked around at some of the other test kits they had there, and the API was the least expensive... they had one there from Aqueon for $50!!!! i'm gonna check the other 2 LFS around me and see what they carry. the good thing about living in a fairly large city is there's plenty of LFS around for competative shopping.
ok so here's what i have for my final stocking:

3 swordtails
3 Platies
3 Corys
1 dwarf guorami
3 ghost shrimp

i think i'm gonna turn my tank into a fully planted tank too... maybe start that project within the next couple weeks
I would get 5 more Platys, 5 for sword tails, and 3 more corydoras.

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