20 Gallon Long

From everything I've seen people who keep female communities post....when adding new fish..just change your decore around if you want to add new fish.
That makes them all re-establish territories again..so in other words..puts them all on a level playing field, so to speak.
You might want to check with the catfish forum on adding 8 fish all at once to a cory tank. While the anabantoids may be fine, the cories may not be. Usually it is recommended to add two or three fish at a time to give the tank a chance to cycle with each addition. The bacteria that convert the wastes need time to build up to a level to handle the waste load. The cories are more sensitive to this, but the betta need clean water too. If you have decor from a cycled tank or bio-spira to add it would help.
Hi Annastasia :)

One of the members called your thread to my attention, so let me tell you a little about my experience keeping bettas with corys.

Jollysue is right about adding too many fish at one and starting off a mini-cycle, but it could have equally devastating effects on both kinds of fish. The last thing you want to do is weaken any of the fish by having high ammonia and/or nitrite levels in your tank. This could lead to bacterial infections which they could all come down with. They are both sensitive to this kind of thing, and the disease will go back and forth between both species.

Of course, you do have a good set up with extra filtration already established and the beneficial bacteria will reproduce quickly. If you test your water and do frequent water changes, you will get them quickly and fairly safely. As a rule, corys do not do well in cycling tanks.

One option you do have, if you are concerned about this, is to remove all or some of the corys, add the bettas, then add the corys back, one by one, as the bacteria reproduces. This should be safe. While corys like to live in schools, no harm will be done it you separate them for a time.

It sounds like you will have a very beautiful tank, Annastasia. :thumbs: I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures of it. :D
Hmmm..thanks for the input everyone. I'd really rather not move the Cories, as they tend to get stuck in the net a lot, no matter what net I use, and I think it would just be more harmful to them to move them.

And yes, this tank is cycled. It's been up for at least 3 years, so it's not new by any means. It has a school of Tetras and a school of Rasboras in it currently, and they are going to be taken out and the female Bettas put in. So it should be used to some of the wasteload, even though those fish aren't big waste producers.

Though maybe this tank won't work out. I suppose I could always use an extra 10 gallon, and just leave this tank how it is. I don't want to move or harm my Cories...I've never seen that kind around anywhere else, and I love them.

I guess I'll have to think about this tank more...maybe it just won't work. :/

I suppose I could add in the females slowly...but then if I keep any of the ones apart that came together, I'm going to feel bad, and then re-introducing them might be a little risky. I suppose I could change around the decor every time I add new ones, but I'll be adding them over the course of a couple months. If I keep ones that were together apart that long, they could change and get aggressive. Meh. I don't know.

Maybe I should just get a Dwarf Gourami or something. :p
Hi Annastasia :)

Please don't think I was trying to discourage you. I think it could work out nicely. :nod:

Go ahead with your plans and see how it turns out. I was only wanting to suggest some things to watch for and give you an option in case you needed to use it.

I would not think this is a plan for a newbie, but you are an experienced fishkeeper and I'm confident that you will make a great success of it. :D
Oh, I know Inchworm. I'm not thinking you were discouraging me at all. Don't worry. :)

Now I'm worried about my plans though. Here's my latest thought...get the girls from the fish store that have been together, then add the first four as soon as the schooling fish come out. Then keep the other two seperate, since it's probably not a good idea to keep two together, and then add them in with the others in a few weeks once the bacteria has had a chance to grow. If adding them doesn't work, they'll just live a solitary life, or I'll try adding them in one by one. Or try adding them in later, with a big tank re-arranging.

From what I have heard and read, I could add a new female once I have the original ones established, and as long as I re-arrange the tank and watch them closely, it stands the chance of being okay. *crosses fingers*

If worse comes to worse, and my water params rocket with the first few, the Cories go into the community tank, and I'll just keep the females in there with frequent water changes.

Does this sound okay, or am I being dull and missing something? :p
I'm sorry also Annastasia. I misunderstood you. I thought you only had the cories in the tank. It sounds like if you have twelve approx other fish you are taking out, then 10 bettas should be splendid

Post pics, lots of pics.

Like Inchworm said, you are an experienced fish keeper. Forgive me for messing with you.
No no, it's fine Jollysue. I should have added in that there were other fish, there was no way anyone could have known. I just said I wanted to keep them with the Cories. It's not your fault at all, totally mine. :nod:

So maybe I will go for 5, then 5. Just to give the bacteria a little time to build up, because the Bettas are almost certainly bigger waste producers then my little Tetras and Rasboras.

I will post pictures, if I go ahead with it. Oh who am I kidding, of course I will, I'm all excited now. :hyper:

So yes, you will be seeing lots of pictures. I just warn you, my decorating and camera skills stink. :p

That reminds me, I need to post more pictures of my Coccina... :shifty:
Annastasia said:
So yes, you will be seeing lots of pictures. I just warn you, my decorating and camera skills stink. :p

Pfft, don't worry about that, we're picture junkies; quality is really not that big an issue for us :lol:

I really look forward to seeing this setup; it sounds like it would be so much fun to put together :thumbs:
Yes if you saw Inchworm's post here she plans to put her new boy with a couple of cory groups. I most certainly will try something similar now.

I get my new cories tomorrow. Acclimating and tank waste load are really on my mind :hyper: :kana: :hyper: :hyper: :kana: :kana: :kana: :hyper:

I'm so glad you got excited again with your plan. I felt awful :*) I don't know why I didn't read your bio. I usually do. Just tired and full of myself. :*)

I hoped to re-perk your enthusiasm. :kana:

Pics, pics, more pics :drool:
Annastasia: How big have your San Juans gotten? I saw that they are available now and wondered about their size. They have really cute faces.
Awww, now I feel bad I made you feel awful. I'm sorry! It wasn't your fault at all, you couldn't have known! You were just being a responsible advice-giver and warning me of the dangers. And that's great. :nod:

My San Juans are about...maybe 1 1/2 - 2". I don't see them much, they are always hanging out with their buddies and zipping by. But my guess would be around there. The one who has gotten really big is the Bronze Cories...wow, those little guys are huge! :p

Are you thinking of getting some San Juans? They really are great fish. The markings and faces are just precious. I love mine. :wub:

Andie - I'm glad you all don't care about the quality of them either...because that usually stinks too. :p

I will post pictures, don't worry! I'm going to plant the tank up more, add a few more pieces of driftwood, and then go back and see if the girlies are still there. I have an extra 10 gallon I can fill up, stick a cycled filter in, and divide for them, should they have them all. :)

Thanks for all the help everyone, it's greatly appreciated! I'll keep you updated. :thumbs:

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