20 Gallon Community


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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Yes, I gave in and got myself a betta, a cute little crowntail female at walmart. I currently have only her and a bn who is actually being babysat at a petstore, and mainly I got her because I missed having a fish. Anyhoo, I'm moving soon and I'm planning on setting up a twenty gallon with four to six females, khulis, adfs, and possibly some small type of schooling fish, if anyone knows of any small enough that would be okay with the female bettas. It's not important really, but I figured I'd ask about it.

I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with the numbers, I know I need at least four females, but I don't know how many khulis or adfs would be good. I know the inch rule, but thought it would be wise to ask here because of planning around the girls. Is there anything special I should take into consideration on this? Oh, I forgot, it'll be a low-light planted tank with driftwood and possibly a few decorations, I'm not sure on that yet.

Oh, and does anyone know of small schoolers that would fit in with this set-up?
3+ khulis would be good as they like company, the more the merrier. ADFs.... it's kinda however many you want, heh. White clouds are a good shoaling fish that get along well with bettas :)
White clouds eh? I'll have to check them out. Hehe, I'm so excited! This is going to be so much fun!

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