20" 10G tank suggestions


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hello all,
I have so far in my 10G 4 tiger barbs. They range in 1.25 - 1.5" long. I would like to add a few more fish if possible. I'm looking at some tetras, specifically some lemons, glolights, serpae or black neons to go with the barbs. I'm told told the lemons are swift swimmers and don't mind other active fish. I also know that barbs can be fin nippers if not in a group (and this aquarium may be too small in the long run - oops :huh: ). Any other fish that would go fine with these fish, except danios? :/

bump.. :whistle:

Also, these fish chase each other constantly, is this normal behavior for these fish? Esp. the smallest one. :(
The barbs will chase and nip at each other constantly unless you have at least 6 of them. I would buy 2-3 more and see if that calms them down. The will still chase each other... but not as badly. Honestly, I would recommend returning the barbs to the fish store and getting the tetras that you want. Barbs are much happier in larger tanks (IMO) because they have more room to swim in.... and the fact that you need 6 of them will really limit you to the other fish you could put in.
I'm definetly with 3fsh on this one, not just because you need another 2-3, but also the stocking issue, barbs can get up to 3" which means even with your current stock of 4 at full grown you will be pushing maximum stocking for a tank that size.

I reccomend 6-7 tetra's a single (or pair if you watch them) dwarf cichlids or similar plus maybe a small catfish to help clean


PS 3fsh, what in that blazes is that fish mate, it looks crazy cute and the colours seem like it belongs in the blue angels
Katchan, would I be able to put the tetras, pair of dwarf cichlids, and a catfish all in there?
I did some research (apparently not enough) beforehand and several sites said tiger barbs reach 2" in length typically.
Also, do you have any catfish recommendations? I know cories should be kept 3 or more in a tank.
I've never had tiger barbs I'll admit but the fish index here suggested they reach 3.5-4 inches and I trust the information round this place more than many others.

As for catfish in a 10gallon, I have a small Bristlenose in mine but I may have to move it, otherwise oto's stay small, I dont know if they need groups or try 3-4 pygmy cories

In that index, digitals review said 2.5 - 3" max... for what its worth :rolleyes: I've heard anywhere from 2-3" . ;)

Also, pardon the ignorance... what's an otto?
i actually think u have a good idea. look at the fish i keep in my 29 gallon tank, and they all get along.

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