2 Zebra Danios' Colors Changed


Fish Fanatic
Nov 9, 2005
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For whoever having zebra danio in their tank, May I ask if you guys/ladies ever encountered your zebra danio color changed into golden from silver?

Is that normal for color change? (maybe my 2 are having problems cause by me again??) I am sure those 2 zebra danio were having sliver-ish bodies with blue stripes on them... But just now when I looked at those 2 (they were circling with each other) and they are both yellowish/golden in colors... maybe they are developing relationship with each other?... I still have 3 zebra danio, 1 of them(smaller size zebra danio) is still in sliver-ish in color with blue stripes while the other 2 are kind of different from the smaller size zebra danio... Wonder what it's goes wrong this time..

my tank size :24"x 15"x 18" (but I leave 3" High left unfilled with water, so that's 24"x 15"x 15")

temepature in the tank 27'C. (I never opened the heater since it's already been always above 27C.)

Mid night of 14th nov. I checked pH things:

pH: 6.0
Ammonia: 0.2-0.3 mg/l
Nitrite: 0.1 mg/l
Nitrate: 5 or 6 mg/l

What I don't understand is why when the reasult tested by most of you are in "ppm" (what is that stand for) and mine are mg/l ....

Also Nitrite seems lesser while ammonia most likely stay at the same levels? strange...

Thanks for taking times reading these
perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
they have reached thier prime and should spawn any time now
perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
they have reached thier prime and should spawn any time now

OH my! spawn!!! what can I do with those eggs if I find them? let it be at the bottom or net them up?... woah...

PPM = parts per million, It's probably just different countries using different measurements :)

Thanks kris-b, So I shouldn't worry about it then
No I don't think it's anything to worry about! I don't know much about danios so hopefully The-Wolf will be back to help you :)
PPM and MG/l are exactly the same thing
1MG/l = 1PPM and vice versa
Kris-b-, The-wolf Thanks :)

Been looking at them in the past hours... They (those 2) seems like being with each other a lot more. They even ganged up to attack other danios (the smaller zebra danio and the leopard danio). Though strange thing is that both 2 color changed danios still nip each other tails and fins... And I am doubting they both are female... Zebra danio male has more 'shinnier' blue stripes and thinner body, and female has not quite shinny blue stripes and thicker body shape right?
Zebra danio male has more 'shinnier' blue stripes and thinner body, and female has not quite shinny blue stripes and thicker body shape right?

here is a pic of a male and female together

the female is in the foreground
The wolf I saw that pictures at least 3 times in your website to identify the sex of my zebra danio... but As far as I can see it's hard to judge their shape (they are all like the same) but maybe their blue strips shinny or not tell their sex? But for sure the first zebra danio that R.I.P. is a male... But that's all I could tell by shape, I can't seems really know how to tell if they are male/ female from their shapes. :(

In your picture, the female ones having eggs inside so it's like that?

*sigh* I am not sure what problem they are having... either they are fighting with each other or mating with each other.... They bite each other fins as well as they group together to fight against other danios away off them... let's see what will happened tomorrow....

Danio swims so fast, hard to take a good picture off danio...


The 2 zebra danio and the leopard danio swim to the there, I guess she wanted to be snapped too...


The 2 zebra danio (And yet again leopard danio with them)


the 2 zebra danio circling with each other


They're seems like swiming together

Can't find a moment to take a photo when they are biting each other fins + chasing each other...
They both look female to me :/

I have 6 in my tank, 4 females and 2 males....

It is very hard to tell from your photos, but i fully understand, they are not the best fish to photograph, they dont stay still longer than a second lol...

Did you say you only had 2 aswell? As they usually prefer to be in groups :*

C x
from the first picture
you have 3 females.

The swimming in circles around each other is to see who is the alpha female.
again this is nothing to worry about.

he does know they need to be in groups and will add to the 3 when budget allows (I hope).
Thanks first of all ClaireL :). 3 of the zebra danio having quite obvious barbels, therefore I fed them with foods, since there are also two corydoras in the tank, I feed sinking food as well as dry food on top. I don't know why they are so greedy... They seems don't have 'tummys' now...

one of the bigger size danio




the other bigger size danio



In past 3 days I saw corydoras having something to eat , then suddenly those danios picked up the food near their mouth!! poor cories! it's THEIR food and they pick up nearly all of them ~~ The leopard danio always have the biggest tummy, since it's the most greedy fish I ever since. He fights, he nips others' fins and he even get food off other fish's mouths!. I just need to worry everyday about their tummys and 2 corydoras not being fed well... :-(

4 danio in my tank. But I used to have 6, that's another story....

The wolf, what is meant by alpha female? (older?)

Seems they are quite 'okay' with each other, buying some new danios may cause stir between them... but surely will go and look out some more danios as soon as possible. (budget is always ready :) just being a bit lazy as well as worry new fishes will bring illness & stress to this tank. )

To be honest, I guess all danio in my tank are all female though :eek:

Thanks all (at least nothing to worry about as being told) :thumbs:
Alpha is a term to discribe the dominant animal
think "top cat" if you like.
The alpha will be the one that has the rights to mate first, eat first etc.
To have a bit of updates :) Finally I bought 4 more zebra danio to group all those danio into a group... hope now all of them will be more peaceful with each other :)

3 little zebra danio and one 'huge' female zebra danio.

Oh they (those 4 new danio) are waiting inside a new tank which I have just bought. adding a little bit of main tank water inside the new tank every 15 minutes' times.. so hopefull they will be fine when they put inside main tank.. :) They have been inside the new tank 3 hours so far... 2 of the new zebra danios' blue stripes goes really pale.. So I closed the lights and hope they will be alright with less stress....will put them into the main tank 2 hours later...

Thanks Wolf, for letting me know about the term alpha. :)

UPDATES : I added those 4 fishes in main 2 hours ago... now there are 4 golden zebra danio, I saw all those golden colors zebra danio are VERY aggressive. They keep chasing other fishes in tank. even new fishes got their tails and fins damaged by those 'turned into golden's zebra danio'.
not quite sure what you are saying in the update
but any damage to fins should be treated with melafix to prevent a secondary infection and to promote regrowth.

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