2 Yellow Channa Punctata For Sale Or Swap.

We could meet at BAS, i promised myself to only get bichirs from now on but these look to be lovely fish.
lol i love bichirs. The channa im keeping lives in my community with a p. delhezi and they get on fine.
Dont know when i can next get to bas. A bit out of the way. Err where you from?
wirral, lancasters a fair bit up, looks like the bolton area is a sort of half way point.
Jack, if you are still selling that tetratec is there any chance you could bring that too? We can have a mini-meetup at BAS lol.
If i sort out an fx5, i'm still running the tetra tec at the moment but 2 weeks should be ample to get one its just ideally i would have like to get one second hand already cycled for £80 or so.
Dave, i'm reading a lot about channa attacking poly's, i've never kept em before but your saying its ok with your del?
yes, i obviously cant talk for every single channa in the world, but the biggest out of the punctata is in the community with the delhezi. They are about the same size. My delhezi is very active and just swims into other fish including the punctata and it doesnt really show any reaction apart from swimming away and hiding. The only thing i have whitnessed i it eyeing up the red tailed botia but they are only about 2 inch and it doesnt even attempt to chase them. I would say you would be best giving it somewere to hide, atleast until it settled in as bichirs can be quite boisterous. If i thought for one minute it would harm any of my fish it wouldnt be in there but the bichir would be the last of my fish i would worry about the channa attacking. They can get to 12 inch, more likely about 10 which is smaller than any bichirs, the delhezi being one of the smallest maxing at about 12 inch. I would of thought the bad rep would come from people who put species like micropeltes in with a senegal and the bichir gets eaten and the person sits there wondering why!
If you are having second thoughts then just mabe think about it for a while then decide. All i can say is that from my experience they keep themselves to themselves, atleast with fish atleast 2/3 the size of the channa.
All i've got in the main tank at the moment is poly's and a florida gar, the endli would eat a snakehead that small for sure so i'd have to grow it out a bit first. I'll have a little think about it and get back to you mate.
I Keep my parachanna obscura and pluero and at present 4 channa pulchra in with my senegal birchir and rope fish, without any problem's, the senegal birchir share's his home with the obscura :good:
I'm gonna pass i'm afraid mate, don't have the space to grow it out at the moment and at that size it will be endli food.
sorry, there gorgeous fish and i hope you find a buyer soon.

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