2 weeks old fry


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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after fussing over my current spawn and the well being of my fry. i want to know if changing their water 50% twice daily adn feed them twice a day of mw is actually doing anything. They are exactly 8 days old right now.

i've checked out the grwoth chart, but i can't seem to compare my fry to it :/ i really want to know if anyone here has just a picture of a fry that is around that age? Maybe ap icture you took of your fry at around that time? :thumbs: thanks if anyone could post that up for me so ic an stop freaking out :p
ya iv heard your fry were a lil slow growing :) , how far behind are they compared to the chart? ill c if i can find sum pic 4 ya but i can't promise much :/

i have heard that the smaller breeds of betta like the short fins tend to grow slower than the the larger bettas like cts. im not sure weather this is true :D

what kinda betta are they?

The site i got the pic from sayse this lil guy is 2 weeks, im not an expert so if its a bad pic lemme know ;)
hmm okay, my fry are 9 days old today, so i can't quite expect them to look like a 14 day old fry :p my first spawn was going very slow...:S but i'm hoping this spawn won't do that again :S

anyways, they are cts...my 9 days old fry doesnt' have the dorsal fins yet...do you have the site where you got that picture? maybe they'll have a one week old adn i can compare thed ifference?

thanks a ton :D

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