2 Sick Cories

I agree once panda get things like septicemia it's hard to cure, they can die in two's and the others survive, so no the healthy one's might be ok, the one with he finrot will more than likely be bacterial finrot.
Hi DaveW

I wish I could say, with any kind of certainty, that they would be fine, but I just can't.

The secret to keeping pandas healthy is still a mystery to me, even though I've had them for a couple of years now. When I first started with them, I don't know how many I bought before I got a small school to live. I would buy them and within a few days they would die. The next time one of the lfs I shop at would get some, I'd to the same. Eventually I collected a few that survived and they grew up and spawned.

That was another whole round of problems. One morning I woke up to find that every panda baby was dead, without any symptoms, but all the albino C. aeneus young ones in the same tank were fine. I never did figure out what happened there. Eventually, I got a nice batch of young pandas growing up. It's been a while since I've lost one, thank goodness!

On the other hand, when I moved in August, the panda tanks were among those that lost some of their beneficial bacteria and went through a mini-cycle. Every one of them made it through, even though it was a very stressful experience for them.

I said all that so you can see just how difficult they are to keep. Like I said, they are still a mystery to me. I can say for sure that they need a very clean and stress free environment to thrive. The do well in a tank by themselves, or lightly stocked with very small and gentle fish. I give mine twice a week water changes and add a dose of MelaFix at the first sign that they could be in any kind of distress.

Other than that, I guess luck could play a part, so don't take their loss too hard. They are difficult to keep, even under the best of circumstances.
Inchworm know her corys, i go with her and clean and maintain the tank twice a week, mine are still going strong, and they are looking great.
I have decided not to mix the only treatment that I have. Fingers cross for the little guy and I hope it doesn't spread.

I can't handle losing them, so if I decided to replace any I will get some peppered cories.

Thanks again! :thumbs:
Sorry R.I.P.

The good news so far, is that the remaining two pandas look clean and healthy.

I'll have to think about getting some more cories in a couple of weeks time. But for today, it's a good clean and water change.

Thanks again, it's great to have people who care, understand with experience and knowledge to help guys like me out. :thumbs:
I spoke to soon! I tested the water before cleaning the tank and I have a nitrite spike. :X

Cleaned the tank and done a 40% water change, and I will be doing one tomorrow by the looks of it. :(
How high is it the nitrite spike, i once had a spike off the chart through a med and the panda corys still survived.
It was 0.2mg/l before and 0.1 after the water change. It's not just the pandas, I worried about all my fish now, the rams especially.
It ok a very slight nitrite reading if they are healthy they will handle it, don't worry to much.
It's my first mini cycle, it's still a learning process for me.

They ALL look OK.

Do you think I should do a water change tomorrow, or give it a couple of days to settle?
You might find it back to normal by tomorrow, if above 01 a small water change, good luck.

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