2 Sick Cories


Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
Last night I noticed this :( .


It looks like fin rot to me. It just so happens that the night before I started Maracyn treatment for BGA but it's meant for fin rot and body fungus. So I carried on the treatment after checking all the other fish, which where OK.
Tonight I got home to see a slightly cloudy tank. I feed them and started to check them over and found this on another panda corie :-( .


So, I've checked the water and everything is OK. Now I don't know what it is and what to do?

Please can you help me!!!
Bless him adore panda corys, look like septicemia with the blood patches i'm afraid, carry on with the med, is it maracyn one you are using, i would preform a water change and add the correct amount of med back to the water removed.

Not the writer of this information below.


Fish may have reddening at fin bases, blood streaks throughout the fins and body, small hemorrhages around the eyes. Dull listless behavior and lack of appetite may also be present.


Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.


Water conditions must be improved for all fish in the tank, regardless of how many fish are infected. Check your water’s Treat with Kanacyn or Tetracycline as well as with a medicated food if the fish will eat. If parasites are suspected, all the fish in the tank should be
Do you have any tetracycline.
I've done a 30% water change last night and add some stress-zyme, which I beleave is the same type of thing as tetracycline. But the second corie did not make it. I found him dead an hour later. :rip:
That's the third panda I've lost, I don't think I'll get any more pandas. I hate losing them. :-(
Thanks for your advice, I'll let you know what happens.
Panda are the weakest of the corys and with the finrot and septicemia i would add a bacterial med, as they are very prone to bacterial infections, good luck.
Which ones.
Well, I'm using Maracyn, and a "bacterial medicine". I haven't got any bacterial medicine, the only other one I have is white spot treatment by Interpet.
Can you move the panda's as they are not prone to whitespot anyway
Unfortunately Not.

The first panda doesn't look good at all. The two other pandas look in good health
Well with using the whitespot med, you could try maracyn at half the dose, make sure the tank is well aerated, good luck.
I'm still not sure whether i like the idea of mixing them, but thanks for for your help.
Hi DaveW

I'm sorry, but when it comes to pandas, once disease sets in, it's very hard to cure it. The outlook is not good at all for yours. It does not seem like pandas have the stamina other corys have and once they get sick, it's usually too late to do much for them.

Maracyn used at the same time as Maracyn 2 is good to treat bacterial infections such as your corys have, but when their symptoms are as advanced as yours are, it's usually to late to help them.

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