Not sure on the first one but the second one i think is a green shrimp.... sorry dont know scientific names lol
Can you get a side profile of the head? What were they sold to you as?
Blue CRS? Then they aren't CRS . Unless they have been dyed or something...which sounds stupid for CRS. Or do you mean that they have changed from red to blue? That may be possible with low grade CRS but I've never heard of it tbh.
Not sure on the first one but the second one i think is a green shrimp.... sorry dont know scientific names lol
Not sure on the first one but the second one i think is a green shrimp.... sorry dont know scientific names lol
I think they appear green because the colour balance is way off lol! I suspect they are grey / clear as pictured above, although OP will probably now correct me
Nope lol, have have 6 green shrimp myself and they are a perfect green colour lol, also look exactly the same as that one
Then his water must be pea soup judging by whats behind the shrimp.
LOL, it's an out of focus plant behind the shrimp.
LOL, it's an out of focus plant behind the shrimp.
Its also out of focus in the first 2 pictures but its not the same colour water also I would assume he put them in the same tank as he got them together but that is a stretch of the imagination.
Nope lol, have have 6 green shrimp myself and they are a perfect green colour lol, also look exactly the same as that one
Then his water must be pea soup judging by whats behind the shrimp.
On the CRS being blue and white it could be a CBS with poor colouration or perhaps a new strain of bee shrimp that has become developed under the radar.
Then his water must be pea soup judging by whats behind the shrimp.
LOL, it's an out of focus plant behind the shrimp.
Photos were on a Nokia N82, for clearer pics I'd recommend using the close up autofocus mode (flower symbol) and as many desk lamps shining from the water above for more light.
Try gets pics of all the shrimp and get details to rostrum shape and the like can be seen clearly.
Photos were on a Nokia N82, for clearer pics I'd recommend using the close up autofocus mode (flower symbol) and as many desk lamps shining from the water above for more light.
Try gets pics of all the shrimp and get details to rostrum shape and the like can be seen clearly.