2 Quick Fishy Questions

SirMinion said:
Yes 18 gallons would be fine for a single Congo puffer.
Oh, in that case... Of course I didn't screw up and think of a different post, I never do! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

....J/K.... :D
Which type of sand is best for congo puffers that doesnt tank long to wash and doesnt take too long to settle please?

The sand we use comes in a big bag from our LFS and costs £12. You'd need less than a bagfull for 18g.

If you want clean and quick, look for sand by CaribSea, its prewashed and come in a bag of about the right size.

Make sure it says suitable for freshwater on the bag though.

CaribSea's 'Tahitian Moon' would be ideal - it's a nice course black sand, too heavy to get stired up too much and looks great.

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