2 Questions


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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(1) I see everyone on here talking about their females being "eggy"...does that mean mine will deposit eggs even if she's not with a male?

(2) Also, yesterday I noticed little black specs on her and I was wondering where they came from? Today they seem to be going away, but still, I thought I should ask...
Question 1 : I mentioned my female getting eggy because she could see a boy (dewie) through her tank it means that the female develops and holds eggs so that if she gets in with the male she could release the eggs and mate. If your girl cant see a male its unlikely it will happen to her.

Question 2 wise: Im not overtly sure but everyone else will know bettas do change color when they get a little stressed and if they have gone dont worry too much maybe just give her a dose of general tonic to be on the safe side
Question 2 wise: Im not overtly sure but everyone else will know bettas do change color when they get a little stressed and if they have gone dont worry too much maybe just give her a dose of general tonic to be on the safe side

Well she did get a new tank mate yesterday (a Cory)...she wasn't too sure about him/her at first, but now she seems to be alright...still keeping that watchful eye on both of them though!
it could be that she established her teritory in her nice pink tank and then this chap turned up! I personally dont use cory's because they can be nippy and over confident but that can happen with almost any fish really sometimes you just get them like that. I use amarno shrimp myself good algae eaters pretty unoffensive but feisty enough to tell a betta to go away if its about to get eaten. smaller shrimp like cherry and bumble bee get eaten and larger like armoured or fanned can get too feisty!
it could be that she established her teritory in her nice pink tank and then this chap turned up! I personally dont use cory's because they can be nippy and over confident but that can happen with almost any fish really sometimes you just get them like that. I use amarno shrimp myself good algae eaters pretty unoffensive but feisty enough to tell a betta to go away if its about to get eaten. smaller shrimp like cherry and bumble bee get eaten and larger like armoured or fanned can get too feisty!

Really? Nippy Cories? Everyone seems to speak highly of them as tank mates for Bettas...I haven't noticed any nippiness from my Cories...
I have pigmy cories in with my 5 F1 Betta falx. They leave each other alone :) The pigmy cories only grow to 1.25" apparently, and they just spend their time scanning the tank bottom for left over flakes ;)
well they sound great! I think you only get the nipping or disrupting problems in small small betta tanks (eating the betta's food etc as they can swim to the surface and take it ) so I shouldnt worry they are certainly better than most things, sorry I didnt mean to worry you! As I said I could definately help you with the eggy bit and true she might have been temporarily stressed I was just suggesting shrimp as a good bottom cleaner!
I tried to add pygmy cories to Dunc's tank to root around the bottom, but he took one look at them in the bag and went ballistic! Attacking the bag and flaring - he never ever flares so I knew he had a right old cob on :lol: So they had to go into the 12gal . He seems to be a solitary lad. I've not heard of cories being at all nippy though. Mostly they just gaggle about on the bottom and mind their own business.
Females can still get eggy without seeing a male...this is typically accomplished with a good diet. However, seeing a male will only add to the stimulation to produce eggs. It's not entirely likely that she will drop eggs unless she can see a male. It's more probably that the eggs are just reabsorbed. My little females are all very plump and eggy because I feed them often on a high protein diet.
yup, my girls get plump and eggy and stay that way...unless I starve the heck out of them. I would just feed her a healthy diet and only worry if she blows up like a ballon.
Well yes that's my goal! To keep her happy and healthy!

Unfortunately...I lost one of my Cories today :-( Not quite sure why it died...the other one seems to be doing alright. He/she was the first one I brought home and he/she was zip-zapping all over the tank and has been eating since day one...

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