2 Questions Over Clean Up Crew And Ro Water?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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well things are going fabulous with the aquarium, so im thinking of adding a 'clean up' crew to it....are shrimps safe with clowns in the tank or would i be better with an urchin or snails?

also does RO water have a 'use by' date so to speak...i made a bit too much and wondering can i keep it for next time or does it have to be used right away?
well things are going fabulous with the aquarium, so im thinking of adding a 'clean up' crew to it....are shrimps safe with clowns in the tank or would i be better with an urchin or snails?

also does RO water have a 'use by' date so to speak...i made a bit too much and wondering can i keep it for next time or does it have to be used right away?

most shrimps are fine with small fish, i've had pistol shrimps, cleaner shrimps and clowns living together with no problems

saying that shrimps don't really do that much to keep the tank clean if that's what you are looking for you are better of with a combination of snails, hermits, mithrax crabs etc all depends on the size of tank / substrate etc

yes you can store RO water, just find a big sealable tub and keep it out of direct sunlight and it's fine for a few weeks
I agree hermits and snails are best. :good: shrimp are fantastic to have most are fine with clowns. Boxer, cleaner, fire, dancing, Peppermint (the list goes on!) but depends on what you plan on adding stock wise. Shrimp like the boxer can be problematic with smaller fish but fine with clowns. Hermits will be completely reef safe.

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