2 Questions Needing Answered..


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Dunoon - UK
ok hello folks,

is it ok to have coral sand in my malawi tank? i have heard that it may/will cause gill irritation to my fish, and if yes can you recomend another type of gravel as i have read that it leaves coral particles in the water .

my peacocks have developed little black spots that seem to be grouped together, i have been researching it for 3 days now and the best that i could come up with is stress, yet more and more people have been telling me that wild many cichlids happen to get theses spots and that the spots only appear on wild fish but can be spred throught a tank,

but so far only my female peacock/firefish has had these spots.. i visited the breeder whom sold me the peacocks and he also has them, but they dont seem to be doing any damage [they just dont look good]..
not sure about the 2nd question, but from my dealings with crushed coral it was fantastic never had any probs with my malawis and it stabilizes the water .
not sure about the 2nd question, but from my dealings with crushed coral it was fantastic never had any probs with my malawis and it stabilizes the water .

thanks, as i think it looks alot better than sand as it doesnt look as dirty, only my m.o,

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