2 Q's...pink Sea Cucumber And Plumping Up My Torch And Frogspawn C

The stuff ime using to dose gives an ammount to dose each week with water changes to maintain a constant level.....however this is just a guideline, what you realy need to do is measure the daily or weekly uptake of calcium, magnesium and alkalinity then work out the ammounts you need to dose each week to maintain a constant level which is now what ime doing.

I managed to get hold of some advantage magnesium made by seachem and it took the whole 600g to raise my magnesium upto 1410ppm which was my target level to be at.

Now all it leaves me is to get my alkalinity correct and ime all sorted.....calcium is staying between 400ppm and 450ppm so not got any probs there.
Depends if the fresh water is lacking the stuff your dosing, or if the corals have used it ;) In craigybaby37's case, the corals have probibly used it, so he probibly won't need to dose the freshwater, unless levels in the main tank need buffering at the time of a waterchange... SkiFletch has a lack of Magnesium in his salt from what he was saying, and thus needs to dose it to his freshwater...

All the best

Yeah it's moderately annoying, but I deal with it. Once I run low on magnesium though I'm debating switching salt brands to one with more magnesium. it's just a little harder to get mag in bulk quantities whereas calcium and bicarbonate are cheap and readily available. I'd almost want a salt ideally with a ton of magnesium and low calc/bicarb, but none really exists :)

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