2 new guys!!


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
Well, I went to my lfs today to pick up some supplies, and I went through the betta section (always a mistake). They had crowns!!!!!!!!! They had so many good looking ones that I couldn't decide, so I got 2. I set them up in a divided 5 gal. I'm gonna go to Lowes tomorrow and get a couple pvc 90's or couplings and silicone some fake plants on them for a hiding spot for them.


Darken Rahl

What is a safe paint that I can use to paint a peice of plexiglass to card them with so they don't get too stressed from flaring at each other all the time?
Fantasy reader, eh? Have you read the series by George R. R. Martin, "A Song of Ice and Fire"?

Very suitable names for your fish!
George R. R. Martin......... nope. I'll keep an eye out for it though. Right now I am working on "The Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind, and anxiously waiting for the next book of Robert Jordans "Wheel of Time" to come out. I have decided that I am going to name all my new females after some of the Mord-Sith in Terry Goodkinds books. They would be very sutable names for bettas.

GuppyDude, brilliant was exactly the word that I was looking for for the steel. I love the purple that he has in him. When I saw him I had to back up so I didn't :drool: in his cup.
Very nice. :) Weird thing is, when I set out to look for some bettas a few months ago, I came home with two CTs that look a lot like yours, esp the steel blue!

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