2 New Dwarf Puffers!

I have a few of those!
My parents and me are jut getting the tank up this weekend.
And its my b-day on th 31st!!!
Cant wait!!

How long do i have to cycle the tank?

Don't put them in with your kribs and such. They will think nothing of shredding the fins of the other fish as they take bites out of everything they can catch to see if it's edible. I've seen cories etc in dreadful states due to that very thing.
In my experience the only things that should live with dwarf puffers are other dwarf puffers. I have tried otocinlcus with great success but the otos were in the mature tank first and then the puffers were added. That's all I'd ever contemplate and only then when the otos had been in residence first.

Excellent advice, and fits my experience completely. I couldn't even get puffers to leave oto's alone.
Sorry i was away for awhile!just partying!!

Ok So i got quite abit of money for my tank now(150$)
Going tomorrow to buy the stuff butstill to wait for puffers to make the tank complete!!!
Could honey gouramis be ok with them???
How long do i cycle the tank for???

I strongly recommend a species only tank for dwarf puffers. They will bite chunks out of anything they want to taste and honey gourami would end up shredded. They are not communal fish (they even have to have their tanks heavily planted to keep them from attacking each other) and if you want community fish then don't choose dwarf puffers!:)

Otocinlcus dwarf catfish are the only fish I have ever dared to try with them and to good success, but my tank was over 6 months mature and the otos went in first and were allowed to get settled for some time before the DPs went in (otos are very delicate fish that don't appreciate a new setup).

I hope you'll be fully cycling the tank without the puffers in?
Will they not be having more in? You could spend the waiting time getting the tank just so and cycling it etc. It's really worth hanging on for them you know :D
Really sorry to hear that you can't get them right away, but like jennybugs has said look on the bright side as you still have to wait for the tank to cycle and you can look around for them. I was going to give you some places where I know that they stock them but then saw the $ sign lol, where I live in a country using the £ currency, sorry & hope you find some soon. A good idea is to ask the lfs if they can reserve a couple for you while your tank is being cycled. I'm sure they will if you make sure that you will come back for them, once tank is cycled.

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