2 gallon unheated/unfiltered tank

sylvia said:
What ever you do, don't add an apple/mystery snail! They will pollute the tank like you wouldn't believe. I added a 1.5" snail (Pomacea bridgesii) to my 10g, about a week ago just to see if they will eat my algae. In just a week, my nitrate reading went from 5mg/L to 15+mg/L! At first, I couldn't figure out the cause of nitrate spike. It couldn't be the snail, it's too small to cause that much increase in nitrate....or so I thought. I, then see my snail, happily munching away at the algae, while leaving a massive trail of excrement behind him. The snail is producing more waste than all my fish put togather! Looks like I'll have to double the water changes.

Out of curiosity... did the snail do a good job of ridding the tank of algae?
Algae uses up nitrates...
Actually, he/she's doing a good job; better than my oto anyway. I do see a nice clean spot where he dined on algae. Since it's a Pomacea bridgesii, it doesn't eat my plants either. Looks like the snail is turning all the digested algae into nitrate... which in turn creates more algae. :(

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