2 Fish Dead, Afraid More May Die Too :(

I shouldn't have to let that tank cycle, Should I? It should already be cycled.
Yes, your beneficial bacteria should already be present in the filter media and substrate.  The actually quantity depends on how stocked the tank was before you bought it.  Do you know the previous stocking?
Do please empty the tank totally before you try and move it though :/
As long as the filter media (and substrate as well, to be on the safe side, as long as it's not too filthy; rinse it in some dechlorinated water if it is) is kept damp, you don't really need the water.
Tanks aren't built to cope with the stresses of being moved with extra weight in them, it could well crack, lose a seal or even shatter!
The previous stocking was a suckermouth and a serpae tetra. the suckermouth died this morning while they were taking the tank down, They forgot to put the end of the filter tube back on and it got sucked up into the filter.

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