2 days....


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
i am gonna be away for 2 days and the fish are not going to be fed...
i have a very specific feeding style-powdered shrimp pellets with bug and algae wafer
what should i feed that supplies the cories and livebearers for 2 days??/
i have babies too...
They won't starve, fish can go days without feeding. I regularly fast my fish by feeding once every other day, sometimes 2-3 days in a row depending. For example, yesterday I defrosted more brine shrimp than usual and they feasted! So I won't feed them now for maybe 2 days, there's plenty of weird tasty things fish like to nibble on in the tank if they get peckish. Your fish will be fine for 2 days ??
Thanks, we have an auto feeder but the food wont go down to the corie’s layer
I usually feed them 3 times a day and daily water changes for a week before I go on a vacation which are about a week or two.
As others have said, do not worry about it.

I don't typically get concerned about my absence unless it's 4 or more days.

One important thing to remember is that there are many types of microorganisms that exist in your tank and act as a daily supplement to the food you are already feeding your fish. They will technically be eating something.
This has just become a chain of repeating what everyone else has already said, but - of course - I agree. They'll be perfectly fine. My tank (including corys, a very greedy pleco and atya gabonensis shrimp) is fed once every other day and they're very healthy and happy.

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