2 Bristlenose

The trouble with the Bristlenose is that they are not an ideal solution for keeping algae at bay. They will rid you of some of the algae but not a great deal, especially in a 55 gallon tank. :/
Must search for another algea eater. maybe a chinese algea eater will be fien.
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chinese algae eaters are one of the worst fish availbale to keep a tank clean, they can kill other fish and once they taste flakes, meaty foods, the cease to eat algae.

I would get 2 BN plecs and thats not affect the bio-load at all if you have a decent filter. With only 4 fish it'll be a peice of cake. BN plecs are messy in that they poo a lot and leave it everywere. Its very long and strong. Holds on to plants and ornaments. But it'll decay anyway, but with a good filter its no problem.
The only sure fire way to keep a tank clean is to do it yourself. While some BNs will clean your tank, many may not. Mine dont ;)

And dont forget they cant live off tank algae alone, you will have to feed them fresh veggies and plec wafers amongst other things, and they will produce as much mess as they eat (ie even that tank algae has to turn into poo - which means more vaccuuming!).

IMO if you only want a fish for tank cleaning purposes, and you're not really interested in the fish itself, you're going to be disappointed. If, however, you really want a BN, it wont affect your bioload too much, you could get away with a pair in a 55g (but not two males as they will fight), but you will have to feed them and they will, as plecs, poo quite a bit, and you will have more work on your hands (all be it less than you would have with a big plec) ;)

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