2 Bettas In 10 Gallon Divided Tank


Jan 11, 2005
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I just moved my two male bettas into a ten gallon with a divider (the kind you get at the LFS). I planted vallis on both sides of the divider to obstruct their view of each other. However, they can still see a little bit and flare at each other.

Will they get over this? Or will they continue to flare? I worry about the stress as they couldn't see each other before. I can't block the divider too much as the water won't flow between the spaces if I do.
It all depends on the personalities of the bettas. I had 3 in a 10 gallon tank, and I had to keep switching them until I found an arrangement that worked. Just keep an eye on them for a couple of days, and if they are still going at it, then I would get them their own seperate tanks. There's always going to be a bit of flaring, but if it is constant, it can stress them out.
I have a 10 gallon divided with 3 males in it. I have a piece of background for tanks inbetween the imbellis and CT and just put wholes in it to get water movement and it works fine. Just used plastic twist ties to secure it on the divider. In between my HM and my CT I have nothing because the HM got caught in betweeen the plastic and the divider so I took it off right away and they do fine. My HM does not flare at my CT, but my CT sometimes flares at the HM but they have got used to it. You just have to see what type of personalities they have and how much they flare in the couple of days and you will know if you have to block the divider like I did.

The order they are in the tank is HM, CT in the middle, then Imbellis

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