2.5gallon Mini Bow


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2006
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i want to know if anyone has a mini bow 2.5gallon because i want to get one in a few months
They are a very good tank for single bettas, although the bigger 5 gallon ones are great for dividing :)

I have two of them and love them. :) The Whisper filters they come with are great too, because you can turn down the flow so it's hardly even there-- perfect for bettas.
I also have two 2.5 mini bows. They are a great tanks for bettas...nice and roomy. :good: I do not use the filters that came with them in my tanks. However, from my experiences the filters are perfect for bettas since they do not create too much current.
What do they look like?

I'll post a pic of one of mine since I have one handy. They come in many different colors. This one is teal.
:rolleyes: Thanks, they are nice. I have only seen something similar in my lps for £14.99 but they have a filter in them and it is very fast! I could do with a new tank! :blush: :blush: No! my GALS are getting big!
I have 5 of these and love them :nod:
I was looking at these, and they come with a divider to split the tank to hold 2 betta's, is this a good idea, or is that not enough room for them?
I was thinking about picking up one of these too. For those of you who have these, how do you keep them warm? Are there any reliable heaters for something this small? I like to crank the AC and keep the rooms at about 70-72.

And dividing a 2.5 might be ok (minimum recommended for a betta is 1 gal), but I think the fish would be happier with the whole tank (with the inch per gallon rule).
I have the teal one too :)


I actually don't use the heater I bought for it right now. The tank stays pretty warm even with my AC blaring due to having the light on most of the day. I swapped out the bulb it came with because of the plants I have in it. I also am waiting on the arrival of a new HOB filter for it (should be here soon) because I want more space within the tank. I also painted the back black with acrylic paint so I didn't have to look at wires.

I really love this tank. I'm thinking about maybe another one so I can get another Betta. They're addicting.
What's a good hob filter? I'm currenly debating going with the minibow 2.5 and buying a standard glass aquarium.
A great HOB for a 2.5 gal is the Nano filter, it has adjustable current and whatnot.
thanks everone haven't been on for afew days i will get one sometime.I want to get 2 now.

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