2.5 gallon

Thanks, I had another question though, i should post it in a new topic but i hate to hog the board up.

I lost my pleco today, I was planning on moving him at the end of this month but he died last night in the tank :(

I only have a 10g tank, but i was wondering if getting 2 otto's would fulfill the algae eating yet still be able to maintain a good system in my tank, see my signature for what I have. Or am I faced with the ol scrubbing brush, I would like to get an algae eater though, any advice??
Sorry to hear about your plec. :sad:

Yes, 2-3 otos would be a great addition to your tank. You will probably need to clean the algae off the sides of the aquarium occasionally, as my oto can never keep up with the algae growth (although he sure tries to :lol:). Algae magnets work really well for this, or you can get a sponge to do it. :thumbs:

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